It's time to retire all my Windows XP computers

I have 5 desktop computers:
#1: Windows 11 Pro
#2: Windows 10 Pro/Windows 7 Home
#3: Windows 10 Home/Windows 7 Pro
#4: Windows 7 Home/Windows XP Pro (retired)
#5: Windows XP Pro (retired)

I have 3 laptop computers:
#1: Windows 11 Pro
#2: Windows 10 Pro
#3: Windows 10 Pro/Windows 7 Pro/Windows XP Tablet Edition (to be retired)

I just don't have the energy or strength to deal with all my computers anymore. I have decided to retire my two oldest desktops with Windows XP. In preparation for this I backed up the two hard drives on each one to an external hard drive. Next week I will pack them up and store them in my garage.

After this is done I will only have one computer left with Windows XP. It is my oldest laptop. I will be retiring it in the next month or so.
I have an HP DC7600 that I puchased over a decade ago from a refurbisher. I had it running XP Media Center edition 2005. It served me well for many years until one day I made the decision to upgrade to Windows 7 x64 Ultimate SP1. That's when I retired XP as my main OS. I have two laptops, both with XP Media Center Edition 2005 (in case you haven't noticed it's my favorite version of XP). They rarely get powered on anymore. I just don't have the time to devote to my pet projects.
for me it's just the other way 'round, i still had a dell laptop from 2006 running xp that i occasionally used...and then one day the video just died while i was working on it.
shocked as i was i decided to go for something modern and i must have tried almost a dozen different lap- and desktops from 2009-2012.
most of them are already or will soon be binned.
but i'll keep one desktop and one this moment i can't get enough of two old macbooks that i have running xp64/win7 smoothly with 8gb.
just to bad that i don't know what registry keys are needed for the backlight keyboard for xp.