Is Windows activation still working ?

I guess this is the only forum where people won't laugh at me for doing this but I need to reload XP SP2 from my original CD and if I remember correctly it needs to be activated in 30 days. The last time I tried this I never got through even though I followed the date fix and everything else. Is it still up or will I need a crack to get XP again ?
is this an oem install? do not know if it works for retail but follow the instructions below, I do this everytime I reinstall and if it asks do I want to activate,then I say yes over the internet and in about 15 seconds, it says good to go, :)

Create the Activation Status

Navigate to system32 folder.

Copy the wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files

Reinstall XP in the normal manner

Restart the computer and use the F8 key to bring up the Advanced Boot Options

Select Minimal Safe Mode using Up and Down Arrow Keys and press Enter.

Navigate to system32 folder.

Rename the existing wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files.

Copy the previously backed up wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files to the system32 folder.

Reboot the computer.