Is it normal to have both of these files?

C:\ Documents and Settings\ username\ Local Settings\ Temp\ History.IE5\ index.dat
C:\ Documents and Settings\ username\ Local Settings\History.IE5\ index.dat

I have past browsing located in both files, but I didn't think the temp one was normal. Anybody know why this happened? (Its not currently going in there now)
I have both these files , even on a brand new install, so it is a part of xp. :)

Those files are Windows files the index.dat is a database file used by the Internet Explorer web browser. It is used to improve performance. Windows also uses to log which files you have opened as again it suppose to improve performance.

above from here where the question was asked at a different forum :)
I have 18 occurances of index.dat on this comp. (I just searched!) *.dat files are just data files, whether binary, hex, (readable), etc etc.

From Wikipedia: " Note: The .dat extension is commonly used for data files (files that are not human-readable and do not hold a document-based binary file). It's possible to find files named 'index.dat' that are not used by Internet Explorer."

(Ultra)search " *.dat " came up with hundreds of dat files on this comp.

fwiw, , , -c- (this thread got me wondering, , , ,)