Internetseite funktioniert nicht

I believe you said “Your website doesn't work. I have this problem with some Internet addresses”

Sorry my German is poor compared to my French, English and Bamileke.

What are you finding doesn’t work? You have set up a membership and posted a question. So that obviously works.

Es tut mir leid, dass mein Deutsch im Vergleich zu meinem Französisch, Englisch und Bamileke schlecht ist.

Was funktioniert Ihrer Meinung nach nicht? Sie haben eine Mitgliedschaft eingerichtet und eine Frage gepostet. Das funktioniert also offensichtlich.
Hallo Frau Madeleine Takam,

Ihr Deutsch ist sehr gut.
Es gibt z. B. bei den online Zeitungen, Zeitungen die geöffnet werden können und andere Zeitungen die nicht geöffnet werden können, obwohl ich ein ABO gebucht habe. Oder ein E-Mail Postfach das mit reduziertem Funktionsumfang zur Verfügung steht.

Für einen erneuten Support danke ich Ihnen im Voraus.

Freundliche Grüße

Manfred von Behren
“Hello Ms. Madeleine Takam,

Thank you very much.
Your German is very good.
There is e.g. E.g. with online newspapers, newspapers that can be opened and other newspapers that cannot be opened even though I have booked a SUBSCRIPTION. Or an email inbox that is available with a reduced range of functions.
Thank you in advance for continued support.

Best regards

Manfred von Behren”

Ok Manfred

Try and use Google translate if possible, as the Forums are run in English, regardless of peoples world location. That way you will get more help.

I think you are describing a Browser problem, with your XP system.

You need to use Mypal or Firefox browser. You can also use Chrome 360.

There is much discussion about this within these forums. Links below.

Most people on the Forum seem to recommend Mypal. I use all 3 of the above.

However, for Newspapers and periodicals I use Windows 10 64Bit and Firefox. I also use “Bypass Paywalls Clean v3.4.9.0” as an add on to Firefox. So I can read all periodicals and with my University pass I also have access to the “Web of Knowledge” (Clarivate) IE the 90% of the web that no one gets to see if not at university.

Links below.

Access to all periodicals and subscriptions below if using Firefox.
Dear Madeleine,

thank you again, thank you, thank you.

I think you have recognized the problem very well and are therefore trying to narrow down what needs to be solved in order to be able to continue using Windows XP and the Mozilla Firefox browser as I was used to.

As I said, there have been problems for some time, e.g. E.g. with online newspapers, newspapers that can be opened and other newspapers that cannot be opened even though I have booked a SUBSCRIPTION. Or an email inbox that is only available with a reduced range of functions.

I would also like to add that the functional limitation most likely arose when I failed to extend virus protection in time.

I thank you again for your support and will continue to try to open the broken pages as I was used to.

Best regards

Manfred von Behren
Hello Madeleine.
Mittlerweile wurde Windows XP Professional neu installiert und alle Daten auf der Festplatte gelöscht.
Der WLAN Treiber fehlt nach wie vor.
Ich bin weiterhin aktiv nach Lösungen Ausschau zu halten, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt, wie das WLAN aktiviert werden kann.
Freundliche Grüße
Manfre von Behren
There are lots of USB WiFi dongles with XP drivers for sale on Ebay.

There are lots of USB WiFi dongles with XP drivers for sale on Ebay.

Hallo Madeleine,

schön von Ihnen eine Antwort erhalten zu haben. Ich denke auch, dass es wohl auf einen USB WiFi dongles mit XP Treibern hinaus laufen könnte, damit windows xp wieder so, wie ich es gewöhnt war, auf meinem Notebook funktioniert.

Freundliche Grüße

Manfred von Behren
Hello, the following error message appears:

"If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, please make sure Firefox is allowed to access the Internet."

How can the error be fixed? Thank you in advance for an answer
Hello, the following error message appears:

"If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, please make sure Firefox is allowed to access the Internet."

How can the error be fixed? Thank you in advance for an answer
“If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, please make sure Firefox is allowed to access the Internet”

This is a fairly standard message. It possibly could just be the standard firewall settings.

Does this happen on all sites you are trying to visit?

If not. What site are you trying to access?

What operating system are you using?

What browser are you using?

What router are you using?

Are you using a hardware firewall?

What application are you trying to use when this happens?

Are you trying to play an online game?

If you are using XP it may just be, that the site no longer works with this and any older browser you are using?

There are far too many variables for me to guess at.

I strongly recommend you start a new thread with this question, so more people will notice and may be able to provide help.
Dear Madelaine, thank you for your information.

Your question:
"If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, please make sure Firefox is allowed to access the Internet." This is a fairly standard message. It may simply be due to the firewall's default settings.

The firewall was temporarily removed. This did not improve Internet usage.

Your question:
Does this happen on all websites you want to visit?

Does not happen on all websites.

Your question:
If not, which website do you want to access?

Subscribed newspapers. Not all pages of the newspapers can be opened. Email inbox can only be opened with reduced scope. Zoom, Webex, etc. do not open. ETC.

Your question:
What operating system are you using?

Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Your question:
What browser are you using?

Mozilla Firefox and would like to use Windows 11, it doesn't work because when I open it it says: -------------------------- C:\Documents and Settings\Manfred von Behren\My Documents\Downloads\IE11_w7_Windows6.1-x64-de-de(1).exe is not a valid Win32 application.

Your question:
Which router are you using?

Answer: Telekom LAN and Telekom WLan

Your question:
Are you using a hardware firewall?


Your question:
Which application do you want to use when this happens?

Answer: Windows 11

Your question:
Are you trying to play an online game?


Your question:
If you are using XP, is it possible that the website will no longer work with this and any older browser you use?

Answer: That's exactly the point. Browser is too old and a current browser cannot be installed. There are far too many variables for me to guess.

Your recommendations:
I strongly recommend that you start a new thread with this question so that more people notice it and can possibly help. Give feedback

Answer: I will.

Thank you in advance for an answer.

Best regards from Karlsruhe

Manfred von Behren
If you're using Windows XP try one of these browsers:

Dear Madelaine, thank you for your information.

Your question:
"If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, please make sure Firefox is allowed to access the Internet." This is a fairly standard message. It may simply be due to the firewall's default settings.

The firewall was temporarily removed. This did not improve Internet usage.

Your question:
Does this happen on all websites you want to visit?

Does not happen on all websites.

Your question:
If not, which website do you want to access?

Subscribed newspapers. Not all pages of the newspapers can be opened. Email inbox can only be opened with reduced scope. Zoom, Webex, etc. do not open. ETC.

Your question:
What operating system are you using?

Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Your question:
What browser are you using?

Mozilla Firefox and would like to use Windows 11, it doesn't work because when I open it it says: -------------------------- C:\Documents and Settings\Manfred von Behren\My Documents\Downloads\IE11_w7_Windows6.1-x64-de-de(1).exe is not a valid Win32 application.

Your question:
Which router are you using?

Answer: Telekom LAN and Telekom WLan

Your question:
Are you using a hardware firewall?


Your question:
Which application do you want to use when this happens?

Answer: Windows 11

Your question:
Are you trying to play an online game?


Your question:
If you are using XP, is it possible that the website will no longer work with this and any older browser you use?

Answer: That's exactly the point. Browser is too old and a current browser cannot be installed. There are far too many variables for me to guess.

Your recommendations:
I strongly recommend that you start a new thread with this question so that more people notice it and can possibly help. Give feedback

Answer: I will.

Thank you in advance for an answer.

Best regards from Karlsruhe

Manfred von Behren
Hi Manfred

Unfortunately for you, the advice above - by ClippyBeer is the best path to follow if you stay with XP.

You have given 2 answers that give me a good idea of the problem.

You can access some web sites, so your connection is not the problem, or your Firewall. The message you see is just an anomaly of the web site not accepting your browser.

The browser you are actually trying to load is Internet Explorer 11. (Not windows 11) You cannot do this. It will not work. Unfortunately, your old version of Firefox will be able to access less and less web sites.

If you are determined to use Windows XP, then you will need to install one of the Browsers ClippyBeer has listed. Some of these browsers are really good because they work stand alone. They do not need to be installed, as such. Just downloaded. They are what we call portable.

If I was you Manfred, I would consider purchasing a new laptop or desk top. It will have Windows 11 installed, perhaps you could find one with Windows 10. You can then install the newest version of Firefox, that you will be somewhat familiar with. It will be much easier to use on the web.

Manfred you will find moving to Windows 11 – Irritating, upsetting, the interface terrible, unfamiliar, however, more and more websites and your favourite newspapers and publications will no longer work with XP or its Browser options. You will eventually be able to use it.

Windows 10 can be made to be virtually identical to Windows XP. See below and read Mr Siamese Cat’s post.

I believe one can do the same with Windows 11.
Here are links to Windows 10 and 11 Forums.

I know that you use a printer connected to your XP computer and you have all your files on your XP system. There is no need to throw away, or give up the XP system that you like. They can be connected over a home Lan.

Best regards

Dear Madelaine

Thank you very much for the support.

Updating gave the following message:

C:\Documents and Settings\Manfred von Behren\My Documents\Downloads\IE11-Windows6.1-x86-lb-lu.exe is not a valid Win32 application.

Do you have any idea how to solve the problem?

Thank you in advance for an answer.

Best regards

Manfred von Behren
Dear Madelaine

Thank you very much for the support.

Updating gave the following message:

C:\Documents and Settings\Manfred von Behren\My Documents\Downloads\IE11-Windows6.1-x86-lb-lu.exe is not a valid Win32 application.

Do you have any idea how to solve the problem?

Thank you in advance for an answer.

Best regards

Manfred von Behren
Hi Manfred

Yes I know exactly how to solve the problem. Stop trying to update your system with Internet Explorer 11. You are trying to install “ie11-windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe” Stop doing that. Windows XP 32Bit becomes very sad when you try and install Internet Explorer 11. It will not work no matter how much you wish it would.

You are going to have to install one of the options ClippyBeer has suggested.

Is there a computer club, or college with computer courses near you Manfred? You really need some hands-on help with computers, rather than just help over the web.

For instance. I would suggest you remove “ie11-windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe” from your downloads folder, but I don’t want you messing up your hard drive. You really need someone to guide you through working with computers.

I am of the mind: And I know both Mr Siamese Cat and ClippyBeer are of the same mind, that one really needs to be an expert in computers, if using Windows XP, because in order to keep the system working you need to alter system files, be comfortable with the command prompt and install unusual software. Very often one is actually adapting drivers. I.E. writing one’s own driver software.

I hope this helps
