Internet browsing problems

I have reinstalled windows xp on my old laptop everything is fine except I cannot browse the internet my WiFi connection says its strong and sending and receiving but when I try and browse it keeps saying it carnt connect to any site this is on internet explorer and Firefox any ideas please
Bobify; You are saying you can't connect via wifi? Can you reach the
Internet via a LAN / hard wired connection. You're running with two
browsers, both MS-IE and Firefox. Their recent / current versions don't
support Windows XP. Are you using their older versions that do support

Do you have another device that reaches Internet content via your router &
modem or (gateway; that provides both modem and router functions) that your
laptop is connected to?
If you post here again, consider providing details about the laptop....mfgr,
model #, what XP version, your Internet provider, your gateway or your
separate modem and router details.

Within the past week, I had to return my gateway to Comcast for
another one; the one I'd been using stopped working via wifi.
look in device manager, are you missing any drivers, it will show up as a yellow exclamation point, and if you see some there, I will need the make, model, and model number of your pc to see if I can find a driver.
Resurrected an old IBM G40 laptop after years on the shelf under a foot of dust. Firefox updated itself several times and finally displayed a message box saying future versions of FF didn´t support XP. The o/s installed a bunch of updates. No problems with internet access. I´ve had the same WIFI router for years that was installed way back when XP ruled the roost. Maybe some of the new routers do not work well with XP.
It´s not surprising that some of the brand spanking new WIFI routers & related hardware do NOT have XP drivers. Those of us XP dyehards running older hardware are still good to go. Many of the well known hardware manufacturers had bailed within a year after XPs official demise in 2014. Software mfgs too. Now I´m getting the odd nag notice about my 2007 Microsoft Office suite having retired. If you think it´s a conspiracy to squeeze the consumers wallet as hard and often as they will tolerate you´ve hit the nail on the head. It´s certainly NOT about a deep rooted concern for our cyber-security. Boils down to good ole GREED.