Installing Service Pack 3

Have completed and validated a clean reinstall of XP with SP2. (The XP disc came with the computer many years ago) Have downloaded (not available from Microsoft) Service Pack 3 Setup and been greeted with:- "Service Pack 3 cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free (retail) version of Service Pack 3,or vice versa." Help would be much appreciated.
Have completed and validated a clean reinstall of XP with SP2. (The XP disc came with the computer many years ago) Have downloaded (not available from Microsoft) Service Pack 3 Setup and been greeted with:- "Service Pack 3 cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free (retail) version of Service Pack 3,or vice versa." Help would be much appreciated.

Have completed and validated a clean reinstall of XP with SP2. (The XP disc came with the computer many years ago) Have downloaded (not available from Microsoft) Service Pack 3 Setup and been greeted with:- "Service Pack 3 cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free (retail) version of Service Pack 3,or vice versa." Help would be much appreciated.
Have completed and validated a clean reinstall of XP with SP2. (The XP disc came with the computer many years ago) Have downloaded (not available from Microsoft) Service Pack 3 Setup and been greeted with:- "Service Pack 3 cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free (retail) version of Service Pack 3,or vice versa." Help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks for replies which enabled me to jnstall SP3!834&cid=D7389B68B3A275AD

above is my onedrive and you can get sp3 there, the Microsoft IT version or you can go to the microsoft update catalog and get it there.

if you have a 64bit pc, you do not require sp3 , sp3 is for 32bit pcs.

Hi Elizabeth

Can I apply the upgrade WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe immediately after reinstalling Windows XP Home SP2 from my machine's original "Already Installed On Your Computer" disk? I don't have access to the internet since my reinstall.

anything you want to install can be downloaded to a flash drive from a working pc, and then carried over to the non working pc, and installed.

in order to get to microsoft updates, you need sp3 and ie8, which you can get from my onedrive also, and you will most likely need the ethernet driver for your pc

what is the make, model, and model number of your pc,
32bit or 64bit
you will most likely need the ethernet driver for your pc

what is the make, model, and model number of your pc,
32bit or 64bit
I thought SP3 the upgrade might need a larger file hence my question.

I have a Dell Dimension 3000 32bit machine using a 3Com USB Wireless Adapter to access my Router. Internet access worked before the XP reinstall but I hadn't considered IE8. It currently has the default IE6 which didn't inhibit getting onto the 'net last time I reinstalled XP.

(I'm thinking of starting a new thread regarding my access problems alongside this to see if anyone recognises it.)

Many thanks for your assistance.
you can install an ethernet driver to get online through a lan. you could possibly get online with ie6, but it is very insecure, when I do a reinstall, the first thing I do after installing offline all I want installed , is go to microsoft updates and get all the updates that I need. I download firefox esr and use that to get online, but only after I have gone through microsoft updates.

you need to get the drivers HERE and there is a certain order to install drivers on a dell see THIS article

a genuine sp3 is 316MB!834&cid=D7389B68B3A275AD

on my one drive above you need ie8, sp3 and the 4.5 version of the installer, that is the latest installer for xp. and you could also download all the ie8 updates and install individually. I like to do this before going online.