Installation issue, maybe. . .

I have recently wiped my hard drive and reinstalled everything on it. I believed I had installed all necessary drivers and so on. No I find that When I am trying to reinstall cubase AI4 it stops in the middle of the installation and freezes the computer and other programs that I install show up when I go Start>all programs>program file (eg outlook).> (empty). Same thing when I tried to install Magic ISO for bin converter (in an attempt to root my android phone). I am searching for answer but keep coming up short. Not certain what to do short of wiping angain and starting install process over. Will try to add screen shot.
if you go into Device manager, it will have a yellow exclamation point showing that a driver is either needed,or needs updating.
you can click on details to find driver version, maker, etc, then go online to manufacturers website and install latest driver.

You do know that you can not copy a program from the program files on c: drive and then attempt to reinstall them that way, you need an installation cd, and/or download from the internet.
yeah, found that but I think the issue may be more extensive than just the driver. Every time it is attempting to install the driver for the program it freezes up. And it was saying that the USB protection driver not there for Syncrosoft. So then I ran a driver detector and of course its saying that driver not there also intel 82801 Eb Enhanced and Universal controller need. So I go to install the chipset and it freezes at about 70% installed just like when trying to update the driver for the USB Protection driver. Also getting a Warning 1909 could not verify shortcut. Verify destination folder exist so can access when attempting to do installs
Have you ever done a clean reinstall before?

there are certain steps that have to be followed.

what is the make, model, and model number of your pc?

Is it just this one program? Is everything else running okay?

do not go to these sites that say they will run a drivers test, go to the manufacturer of the driver you need! the sites are always going to say you need a driver, and most times it will be wrong.
this is the INTEL driver and support page, they will run your system, install and/or tell you if it is an intel brand but made into an OEM brand.

line 12 on the right hand side,
"save target as" and save it to your desktop. Then double click it to merge it into the registry.

but if you have done a reinstall properly you should not have problems installing, most freezing problems are hardware failing, and or malware,
did you connect to the internet without antivirus?
I am running a Dell GX 270. I not certain about the "clean: reinstall. I wipedit and used the system to to restore it to I guessed it was factory srttings but the disk didnt reinstall everything for Dell to operate. It installed it apears the windows basics and I have been on a scavenger hunt to get all compnent and upgrades to get me back to normal. I have been using the Dell and Microsoft site for the drivers etc. it's just that when I installed everything I could find there fior the system and more was needed I check outside of those systems and thats how I found out about the intel chipset. Went to intel to update the chipset. it starts to install but then it freezes, just as it does when trying to install cubase and magic ISO etc. But I will definitely check these links. Thank you ever so kindly, you are a God send.
everything else runs fine, but I do believe that I did connect to the internet without an anit virus program to get the driver etc for the system because after I wiomputer and reinstalled it things were missing like my wireless drives etc. So I found all of that and 90% of everything installs fine and works fine. Its just that 9 out of 10 install and work great but that 10th one is problematic. It freezes the system or it won't do anything at all.
yeah, and thats what I was finding out also. that there is an install order and I am 100% sure I did not install in order. I had just installed as I found whats was needed and I didnt find them in order but through trial and error was coming to that conclusion that when I was installing certain drivers etc It did what I needed to do. So Do I need to wipe it again and do it all over in order????
Yes! as it only takes a millisecond for malware to attack.
this time get all you need downloaded to a flash drive first!

and insure that on a working pc that you have scanned the flash drive for infections before you plug it into your pc.

will check back later to see how you are getting on.
Thanksd ever so much. Did the re install and I believe I had a corrupted file " System 32 because a lot the dll and exe files that would load where from that file. So reinstalled again and now I am back in business. Thanks