Install Windows and to remove Linux OS

Hi there,

Please could someone help me on how to remove a Linux OS such as Ubuntu and to install Windows XP Professional without Service Packs on a Compaq Evo D310 (a PC from 2003). It's just I want to set the PC back to factory defaults but unable to as the PC ignores the boot priority and boots up Ubuntu after setting the preferred device order in the BIOS i.e. USB stick, external CD/DVD drive and then Hard Disk.

The PC's internal CD/DVD drive is broken and won't open and haven't got a spare internal CD/DVD drive onsite to replace it nor can I access the PC remotely as it is currently in bits i.e. with the hard drive taken out. I have tried various methods to format the drive in order to install Windows i.e. using an IDE kit to convert it into an external drive and trying to format it in Windows using Disk Management on another PC as well as making the drive a Slave drive in Windows using the same PC but no joy in getting to recognise it.

I have also tried changing the boot order in BIOS for either a USB stick or an external CD/DVD drive to boot first with having the media inserted but the PC just kept ignoring it both with the original Windows CD and with the Windows CD mounted onto a USB stick using Refus and the Windows 7 CD/USB Tool.

I've checked and amended all boot options under the BIOS in as many possible ways I can think of with resetting the BIOS after trying each option and still can't get Windows to boot both off the original CD using an external CD/DVD drive and off a USB stick with mounting the image from the original CD using the default settings in both Refus and using the Windows 7 CD/USB Tool.

However I haven't tried changing the filesystem format of the USB stick from NTFS to one of the file system formats such as exFAT, FAT and FAT32 to see if that works as well as using Seagate DOS Tools.

Another suggestion I haven't tried is to use KillDisk which is a Live CD/USB in order to format the volume and to reinstall Windows.

No error messages were present when trying to boot from the original XP installation CD nor from the USB stick with the image of XP mounted on it in which Ubuntu loads up and ignores the mediia, however the only error message I notice when Ubuntu loads is the one where it says it has found errors and advises you to fix them using the parameters recommended but can't remember the error message at the top of my head though, I suspect this is due to the fact that the PC wasn't cleanly shut down.

I'm aware that the BIOS hasn't been upgraded since it was purchased so maybe that's the problem? I know the hard disk boots fine in the PC as Ubuntu loads. I also forgot to mention that the battery on the Motherboard doesn't work as the BIOS keeps saying that the date and time are incorrect so maybe that's another problem too?

Lastly I started a forum thread on the Ubuntu forums and was eventually advised by a fellow forum user to consult youse for help plus I can't point youse to the link as I need to gain so many posts before posting posts with links on this forum. Hope youse can help.

Kind regards,

Another suggestion I haven't tried is to use KillDisk which is a Live CD/USB in order to format the volume and to reinstall Windows.

if you can boot to KillDisk to format, then you should be able to boot to a cd/usb with xp and install xp from scratch.

Not sure what you have done in the bios, but if you change the bios to boot from usb first, then it will boot from the usb, however if you have no usb inserted it will then boot to the next device in line.

some pc's are not able to boot from the usb


the first listing here, same issue but no resolution, bur you might want to try at the hp forum??


also the CMOS battery is important, the cost is only a couple of dollars, so replace it.
Hi Elizabeth23,

Thank you for responding to my thread and sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I'll first try the KillDisk and reinstall option for Windows XP and to see how I get on.

I have ensured that the USB option is first set in the BIOS and ensured that the media is connected when the PC boots up.

I'm adamant that the PC BIOS is capable of booting USB devices.


The link you have provided to me unfortunately points to Google, not unless that's where it is supposed to point me to? I'll also consult the HP forum to see whether they can help.


I'll also consider getting the CMOS battery replaced.

Lastly thank you for your help and suggestions and I won't hesitate to contact back if I need further assistance.

Kind regards,

I'll also refer to the manual you posted in order to refer back to as well as trying my other suggestions.

Thank you for your help once again.

Kind regards,

the link I first provided is a google search page for this issue, figured there might be a thread that pertains to your issue.
Hi Elizabeth23,

I thought it was, it's just I was expecting a page to help me troubleshoot my issue and thought that my web browser was pointing to the wrong place until I checked the second link after responding to your first. Thank you for clarifying.

Kind regards,
