Increase font size of "Window Text"?


The "Window Text" - the text inside XP windows when opening a folder giving its contents - is becoming too small for my ageing eyes. I would like to increase the font size of Window Text without affecting everything else.

Under Desktop > Properties > Display Properties > Appearance > Advanced, if “Window” is selected, the text font and font size options are not selectable (though the color can apparently be changed).

Question: Is there a change that can be made in the Registry to alter the default "Windows XP Style" to specify a different font size, font, or to bold the default Window Text? Is there another option, perhaps to allow the font size box to be selected?

I know about changing DPI, etc., but I don’t want to make changes that alter everything.

Thank you.
"start/ all programs/ accessories/ accessibility/ dialog box will walk you through increasing text"

That changes all text, everywhere. I want to change font size of Windows Text only.
Desktop > Properties > Display Properties > Appearance > Advanced

if you choose Icon, it will allow change from Tahoma 8pt, to a font or font size, from HERE

but it is still everywhere

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes

above from

further references on THIS search page
Thank you - that is quite helpful, using the "icon" setting to change the font.
Also, in looking at the links on the search page you provided, I realized that I did not have cleartype font smoothing enabled. When I enabled it, the text became easier to read, even without changing the font size.
I am not able to find how to enable "cleartype font smoothing" as mentioned in post #5. Please help.
Thank you

You can also edit the registry to enable ClearType.

  • Go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\FontSmoothing registry subkey, and set the value to 0 to disable font smoothing or 2 to enable font smoothing.
  • Go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\FontSmoothingType registry subkey, and set the value to 0 for no smoothing, 1 for standard smoothing, or 2 for ClearType.
To enable font smoothing for the logon screen, go to the HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop registry subkey, and use the same values as above.
Display > Properties > Appearance > Effects> check the box "use the following method to smooth..." and select "clear type" rather than "standard"
Display > Properties > Appearance > Effects> check the box "use the following method to smooth..." and select "clear type" rather than "standard"
This method is the same, as that shown in Elizabeth's link in post #8. Even then thank you for helping.
I have another problem. All my web pages have a very harsh white backgound irrespective of the colour of the web page background. What can I do?
what browser and browser version?
It is Firefox ESR 52.6.0 (32-Bit). But I don't think it is a Browser problem because this happened after I meddled with the "Display Properties". Before I got the answer to my question in your post #8 above, I did some fiddling around with Display Properties and it was then that this happened. Prior to that Web pages were fine.
do you use system restore?

if yes, then go to safe mode and choose a point that was before you started messing with the display properties. then reboot

if no, then can you remember which setting you fixed?
look at resolution in display properties, is it set for 96 DPI?
Display Resolution is at 96 DPI. So I did a System Restore to a date, a week ago and things are back to normal. I wonder what mistake I made. If I know that, I can avoid making the same mistake again. For example, on this forum page, I lost all the colours (the broad blue strips at the top and bottom of this page and all the colour around the user avatars - mainly blue -on the left of the page. Does it give you any idea about what went wrong?