Im going insane.

I have tried every single youtube tutorial there is and i cannot find out why this is happening!!!

So 3 days ago i decided to download windows xp that i have on cd, on one of my old pc's. (BIG MISTAKE) I couldnt download it properly the first time so i did it like 2 more times and yesturday i got it to work. But the mouse didnt show up? i tried reconnecting the mouse, i tried using 3 other mouses. IT DIDNT SHOW UP. i am 1 click away from having windows xp on my pc BUT i gotta use my mouse to press the ok button because the keyboard cant do it. Keep in mind my mouse was working yesturday. Im trying to use windows xp professional. Someone please tell me what to do. google tells me that it is the usb drivers that are corrupt, but to get to the usb drivers i need to download windows xp!
The only way I have found to guarantee the keyboard & mouse will work on first installation is to use PS2 connectors on the mouse & keyboard. I either use USB to PS2 adapters/converters or actual PS2 devices in the first place. If your PC/Motherboard does not have PS2 connectors
things can be very difficult, although not impossible using a second machine.
I think that as UK-Tim posted, with some computers you have to use PS2 first so that windows can detect and install usb drivers.
Looking closer at your question, it looks as if you have the keyboard working. If this is so, then I think you should be able to "press ok" using the keyboard. You will need to experiment using the tab, arrow & Esc keys etc. Then when xp finally finishes loading drivers, you should be able to connect a USB mouse and now XP will detect it now that it has nothing else to do.