I'm back...

Hi community, i've been absent for a year and after this moment i will be active on this forum...
I'm a 10 years old boy (don't be surprise) and i'm a big fan of windows xp.
I'm Italian and i love pizza :p:p
I love English too (as you can see i can speak English very well)
I remember when my father helped me to write on this forum!!!
It's odd but i'm a big fan of win xp and I know so much things about it!!!
I remember when in the evening i tried to install browser (my real passion) and when i did something good i posted it on this forum...
Bye and i will post a thread. See you soon.:):):)
Speaking as an old fogey, Yes welcome, Good to see some young blood.

I too like pizza. Have built an outdoor wood fired pizza oven, but also have one of those small electric pizza ovens: basically just a pizza stone in an enclosure with heating elements above and below. It reaches a much higher temperature than domestic oven, and does pizza in approx four minutes.

My Italian friends tell me fast-food American interpretation of pizza has ousted the traditional Italian dish which was largely a simpler affair, and did not go in for such extravagant toppings.
Speaking as an old fogey, Yes welcome, Good to see some young blood.

I too like pizza. Have built an outdoor wood fired pizza oven, but also have one of those small electric pizza ovens: basically just a pizza stone in an enclosure with heating elements above and below. It reaches a much higher temperature than domestic oven, and does pizza in approx four minutes.

My Italian friends tell me fast-food American interpretation of pizza has ousted the traditional Italian dish which was largely a simpler affair, and did not go in for such extravagant toppings.
Thank you so much, i'm preparing something on windows xp. You will see it the next week!!!!
Jacop32 said
I'm a 10 years old boy (don't be surprise) and i'm a big fan of windows xp.

Whe my son was 10 he was a big fan of DOS 5 !! (Before Windows 2 or 3 or 14.40 phone modems)!
Later on, 'cause of what he did, made me decide to not to do on-line banking! (Now I have a seperate i-net credit card with not much money to steal from)
This might seem to come 'out of left field' ... but I've never had a credit card in 50 years. At some point, they would like to have people with even pre-paid cards so they can keep track because some don't spend money well and have been known to make poor decisions here.
XP came out when I was 11, I'm 34 now. I am pleased to see someone so young enamored with my favorite OS. Growing up with XP kicked ass, there was nothing like being the master of your own OS that you could customize to your whim.

It makes me sad most kids today will grow up with a restricted OS, a restricted internet full of bullshit rules and endless surveillance, but seeing posts like this gives me hope.

Think for yourself, young blood. Question everything. Most importantly, do not listen to people my age and older. We are a very sick generation that left a wasteland for yours to inherit. When you grow up, give us hell!