IE8/XP3 does not connect

Dear XP Forum;
Every time IE8 starts under Windows XP SP3, it can not connect to the internet:
button 'Diagnose the connection problem' appears, I click it, 4-5 min later it
says 'no problems detected' and everything works fine after that.
If I close the IE and reopen it - everything repeats: no connection, network
diagnostics finds no problems, connection gets restored. Very annoying. This
problem started several weeks ago, and I assume there were no any updates
from MS downloaded. The box has no other software installed.
Please advise. TIA.
First, you should not be using IE, that is insecure now that there are no more security patches, you should install and use firefox or chrome or some other, those 2 are the best.

you may have gotten infected do the following,

Download, install, update and do full scan with these free malware detection programs:

Malwarebytes Free (MBAM):

SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

Remove all found, reboot, and run again until scans run clean, these can be removed afterwards if you so choose. Run scans one at a time, please.


post back with results and we can further trouble shoot, also what is your current antivirus??


OK, so the problem in a nutshell is Windows XP is still working fine for many people, but the main tool used to connect to the Internet does not. If getting a newer computer is not in the cards, there are a few ways you can extend the life of your XP-based computer:

from the link below, which you should read:


also right click on your network connection and choose repair, if it does not complete tell my what the error is.

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Thanks Elizabeth for your time;
> you should not be using IE...
this problem is not browser sensitive: any software acessing internet fails first,
but will run ok after the connection is repaired.
> full scan with...
The HD has been scanned for viruses by professionals, none found (I can not
install any free software on that box for security reasons ;)
> what is your current antivirus...
it is Microsoft Security, but it is not updated since the XP support died out.
well you should drop MSE, you are no longer protected, avast still supports xp and I am using 360 Internet security by Quiho, both are free , if you want to pay go with Kaspersky.

Do you have another browser installed???

IE should only be used for updates and/or some programs, but your default browser should be firefox, chrome, opera, or another of your choice but those are ate the top of the list.

So what scans did the professionals run??

could you ask, I run malwarebytes free, and spywareblaster alongside my antivirus, and knock on wood, along with safe surfing I am pretty clean. :)

does a new browser constitute a forbidden software download???

what did the repair do???

you might reset IE settings, you would lose any custom settings, but those can be put back in.

If you have another account on the same pc, log in and does the problem occur??

does the problem persist in safe mode with networking???

as a last resort you can uninstall IE8 and reinstall.
Hope you will listen to Elizabeth regarding IE8 and MSE.

As for your connection problems, assuming you have checked all the hardware, are your drivers OK.

With mine, for some reason, if I update them I lose connection, but restore it again if I roll back.

Sometimes these things need experimenting.