
It's odd, but since July 2015 IE6 has been slowly getting extra share, I noticed.

July 2015: 0.3%
August 2015: 0.5%
September 2015: 0.77%

I wonder why? Look at the gap between 0.5 and 0.77, though, it's just plain odd, why would people want to switch to IE6 UNLESS they actually listened to my IE6 propoganda?

(And no I'm not using a bunch of proxies every day just to make IE6 look better)
Two words: virtual machines. I'll wager ppl got fed up with Windows [10], went to Mac/Linux. Then, they had this idea to run Windows inside a VM. Their next train of thought would be the OS that uses the least resources. That would have to be XP/Win2k. I can't remember if XP originally shipped with IE5 or 6, but I can't imagine most ppl would be bothered to upgrade it...

Btw, I think the trend will be XP will increasingly become virtualized. Those stats counter can't really tell if XP is ran on physical hardware or in aa virtual environment. That means XP might continue to linger at its current market share for years to come...
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It came with IE6, and you need the genuine validator thing for IE7 or IE8 to work, so yeah.

And good point for VMs, too. I forgot they existed when I typed it in, that's why I thought it was actually increasing, but why would you continue to run an outdated browser, unless you're me, and not use FF/Opera/Chrome/Whatever and leave Mr IE6? Someone who can run a VM can definitely use another browser.

Or more people are installing a copy of XP, because I notice Microsoft doesn't offer the IE8 download for XP anymore.
Well, if IE6 works, then I don't see a reason why they would want to install FireFox and so on...

Anyways, I think XP will be one of those things MSFT can't kill off. I mean, how can you kill an OS that will always be emulatable on the newest hardware?
Correct, and also, you can't kill off an OS especially when it has had the most support for any Windows OS ever, unless of course Microsoft forces some kind of stupid update to change your OS to 8.1 or something like that.

I don't see why you'd install Firefox in the first place, since it changed to a rapid release cycle it's becoming a Chrome clone with quite some bugs, barely any testing done and major releases with nothing new added except a couple of 'bug fixes'.

Most web browsers are either copies of Chrome, Firefox or IE. I don't think there's many popular browsers that don't use another browser's shell.
I'm sitting here laughing at Microsoft... For such a big mighty co., they couldn't even kill off Netscape Navigator, which was reborn into the present day Firefox, complete with a whooping large user base too.

Anyways FireFox has been somewhat a joke recently. I mean, if you installed next numerical iteration, you'll soon find the point 3 version a couple of weeks later with seemingly really big security holes to plug up that I shudder when I see the next point 0 so-called "stable release"...

As to using another browser's shell, Opera 12.17 comes to mind. IMO, O12.17 is to browsers what XP is to OSes. O12.17 is so its own unique work, I think it makes minimal use of IE components. In fact at one point, Adobe software was even powered by the same rendering engine (licensed) used in O12.17.

(And in case anyone is interested I'm typing this post on O12.17 in a XP virtual machine, actually most of my 100's posts were made in Opera before this VM came to be. Major reason I'm a big fan of this browser is that I download a lot of stuff, and O12.17 has the best built-in download manager with pause/resume I've ever seen. It's so good I can keep track o 10's of simultaneous downloads without having to scroll down the page, something no current browser has managed to duplicate )...
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It's because they try to copy Google Chrome and their rapid release cycle.

I definitely agree on Opera 12 being the best browser. As I said in a previous thread, Opera should make Presto open-source...
Opera is like an giant virus, ESPECIALLY SO BAD FOR HIGH-END XP COMPUTERS which are near 768MB RAM and P4 1.6GHZ, Opera installs SOO MUCH BLOATWARE ON PC! I COUNTED AS 15 BLOATWARES! YO OPERA YO DESTROY MY PC! *protogent ad but on PC theres opera and PC is an XP Toshiba Satellite*