Identifying an active USB device?

Whenever I use the 'Safely Remove Hardware' tool, I also see this mystery entry, with no drive letter.


(That had four entries, and I've just removed the USB with drive letter F: The remaining two K and E, are external WD hard drives.)

How can I discover what the unspecified USB device is please? And why does it have no drive letter?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK
what drives show up in device manager?

in disk management??

in device manager, go to view tab, click on show hidden devices, and see if it is listed there;, it might be an old drive that still loads the driver.
reply no. 2:

Run "regedit" and select the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/MountedDevices" folder. See all the "Dos Devices" listed? You'll have one entry for each physically mounted drive (HDD or Disc) plus you'll have one show up for each USB drive you attempt to insert. Double click each device listed and see if you see text saying something like "U.S.B.S.T.O.R...". Once you find that device, right click it and select "Rename". Now change the drive letter to something unused... like Q: or something. Close regedit, disconnect the USB device and reconnect again.

above from here
Thanks Elizabeth. I'll take a look at that registry tip later. Meanwhile (via googling extensively) I found a handy tool called USBDeview (my link is disallowed) and will use that first on the next occurrence of the puzzle.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK