Icons don't show up on pendrive?

Okay, here is the problem I'm facing. Basically what happens is, one day I open my pendrive and I was looking through to old files. But basically when I click open the folder there is
nothing there to see! I thought it was like infected with a virus or something so a ran a scan, nothing turned up. I was shocked and all but then when I clicked on folder properties and then
below it, it stated '7 files' which I think means there are 7 files in it but their just not viewable. I don't remember putting any of them on 'hidden' but I still can't find them even after 'unhiddening' them. Also, for a strange matter, I've noticed that only my 'microsoft word' is missing, the rest of the files such a power point, pics and excel are still intact. I need help
and urgent, cause I need this files to do some work. Please and thank you!
Can you run the error checking tool on your pen drive to see if there's a problem somewhere on it?

1. Double-click My Computer, and then right-click the disk that you want to check.
2. Click Properties, and then click Tools.
3. Under Error-checking, click Check Now.
4. Under Check disk options, select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box.
5. Click Start.