IBM ThinkPad Wifi Driver not working

I recently got an IM ThibkPad R52 it was no mine before so I prefer to renitialise it but before I save the driver that was in the Laptop. The driver where all a .exe file that extract the driverin the computer except for the Wifi that were already extract. Only the Wifi is not working when I try to connect to a Wifi it show a error that the Wifi is not accessible and try to refresh. I search on the Web for driver I find one the Internet but it not working too the wifi. I try the Ethernet for activating my Windows XP but when I go on the Internet only the Bing website if I go on other website it show error saying that it was impossible to the server or DNS server. I don’t know what to do now.
Thanks for the help.

go to above and scroll down to networking wifi lan and look for your driver, there is a line to click on if you need help finding out which driver is yours.

when reinstalling drivers the CHIPSET must be installed first this allows all the other embedded drivers to assimilate.

the first thing to do when reinstalling is to install sp3 and ie8 as microsoft updates will not work without those, and the only thing to use IE8 for is microsoft updates you will have to install firefox 52.9.0 ESR as this is the only browser still supporting xp for at least a little while.
scroll down to 52.9.0ESR
go to above for the service packs, courtesy of Mike_Walsh, depending on what service pack is installed at this time:

no service packs, then install 2 and 3
packs 1 OR 2, install 3!834&cid=D7389B68B3A275AD

above is my onedrive, you can get ie8 and the updates for ie8
First Thaks. The Ethernet work now and the wifi now ask me the Password of my Wifi but after say me Not Connected I try a driver from the link that you send me it not working too. Thanks for the help.
There is no utility for the Wifi I verify that the checkbox « Use Windows To manage my Wifi « is check. Thanks for your help
what errors are listed in event viewer (go to start/ run/ type in eventvwr.msc ), look in applications and system for errors or warnings pertaining to this issue, you can copy/paste the error here, when you see the error in the right hand pane, double click on it and a dialog box will open, on the right hand side , third icon down that looks like an open book, click on that and it will copy to clpbrd, then open a reply box here and right click and choose paste.
After 112 Wifi is always not working. After restarting my computer the Wifi connect to the Wifi but when I go on the internet it not working showing the Mozilla Firefox Cconnexion error. Thanks for your help.
I try the repair options. The error said that it cannot desactivate my Wifi card and try to install it correctly. Thanks for your help.
then uninstall your wifi card in device manager, reboot and let windows find the card and install, do you have an install cd for your card or a driver, if windows asks for one.?
I try unistalling the card. It ask me for a CD I don’t have any for the Wifi Card driver so I choose the online driver options bu it didn’t find anything.
Hi, I have uninstalled every thing for the wifi driver and reinstalll only the wifi driver not the utility. It now working. I think it because I have install SP3. Thanks your help!