I need a word processor for XP

Can you please recommend a simple word processor for XP. I don't do complicated stuff. One requirement is that I can save web URLs in a document as hyperlinks where I can just click the URL to connect to the web page. Something simple like Windows Office Starter would be fine. Even that one I could never get the tabs to work right. Used to always make a mess of ito_O That is why I like something simple with basic functions.
wh- A simple word processor uhh well there is umm, the pentium 4 the pe- Lol. The pentium 3 etc etc..
Can you please recommend a simple word processor for XP. I don't do complicated stuff. One requirement is that I can save web URLs in a document as hyperlinks where I can just click the URL to connect to the web page. Something simple like Windows Office Starter would be fine. Even that one I could never get the tabs to work right. Used to always make a mess of ito_O That is why I like something simple with basic functions.
Or maybe just do an X58 build or X48.
@ Janice:-

If you want a simple, easy to use standalone word processor, take a look at Jarte:-


It's built around the 'engine' that powers WordPad; the standard version of this doesn't enable half of the available features. (One of the nicest of these is the ability to set it up for 'clickless' operation; you don't 'click' on Menu items, etc.....you simply 'hover', and they appear!)

It's still available for XP; I use the 'portable' version of this, running under WINE in 'Puppy' Linux. For a basic word processor, it's extremely good.....and, yes; you can insert hyper-links to web URLs.

Try it; you might find you like it!

Mike. ;)
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Yes Mike I m really enjoying it. There is no clutter and very easy on the eyes. I am surprised this is not well known. Had it not been for you I would never have heard of it :)