I.E.8 and Firefox temp. file issues


It's been some time since I submitted a post, especially since I downloaded Junk File Remover, adwcleaner, and Malwarebytes with Rootkit (a beta version). I basically run this software (CCleaner, Rkill, Adwcleaner, and Malwarebytes) before doing anything. I have also added another program called Zookaware as a secondary clean-up tool. I also installed a program called TFC which deletes Junk files and residual junk files.
However, there is one concern. I received a notification that there was a newer version of AdwCleaner. Thus, when I downloaded the newer version and opened it, I immediately get an error message saying that AdwCleaner has encountered a problem and had to shut down.
To hopefully counter this problem, I removed the program from the ADD/Remove list in Control Panel and any files still hanging around in the Registry. Yet in spite of these efforts, I am still receiving the same error message after each new install.
One last thing. You may not remember but in my last post, I mentioned that I was getting an excessive amount of temp. files and cache files each time I accessed I.E.8 or Firefox. I also reviewed the article(s) you or JoJo attached to your reply about these temp. files being necessary in order for I.E.8 or Firefox to operate properly.
Well, I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but I simply cannot believe that after accessing a webpage-either through I.E.8 or Firefox for just a moment or so that afterwards I could have accumulated over 600 to 1,000 Temp.files plus an excessive amount of cache files. I simply cannot believe Windows I.E.8 or Firefox needs to access and install that many Temp.files.
If it wasn't for CCleaner I don't know what I would do since I have to clean all those temp. and cache files after logging off the internet. This huge collection of temp. files also bogs down my system to the point that my CPU constantly runs at 100-percent.
I know my processor and system is not the fastest in the world, but no matter what I try, my system frequently freezes up because of I.E. 8 or Firefox.
1. you only need to run ccleaner often, adware and junk cleaner and rootkit , rkill, and zookaware(which I have no experience with) can all be run when a problem is suspected.

2. I go online for 10 minutes and then get offline and look in temp files for firefox and there are 1 to 2 thousand temp files. I always run ccleaner when I get offline as a matter of course.

3. start firefox in safe mode and if it still freezes we can check that out. But, if it does not freeze, then there is a third party program or plugin that is causing this. In firefox the only plugins I have enabled are flashplayer and silverlight the only extensions I have enabled are Adblock, translate this and WOT, the web of trust.

4. if safe mode does not freeze with firefox, then enable one plugin at a time , restart firefox and see if it is still not freezing , do this with each plugin and extension, until you see which addon is causing the freeze.

5. My latest version of adware installed with no problem, it was version 4.1. Let me get back to you on this I have to leave now will be back in a few hours.

I am back

Did you use the above link to download??


More specifically, these adwcleaner.exe errors can be caused by:

Corrupt Windows registry keys associated with adwcleaner.exe / AdwCleaner.
Virus or malware infection that has corrupted the adwcleaner.exe file or related AdwCleaner program files.
Another program maliciously or mistakenly deleted adwcleaner.exe-related files.
Another program is in conflict with AdwCleaner and its shared referenced files.
Corrupt download or incomplete installation of AdwCleaner software.

from here

I would do a system restore to a point where you had the old version, uninstall all the extra cleaners you have except for ccleaner, and then restart, and try to download again.
Hi, Elizabeth23;
Thanks for your response. As you, each time I exit the Internet, I run CCleaner first to find out exactly how many temp. files were strore. And as stated, I'm totally blown away just how many temp files were stored either by I.E.8 or Firefox. Anyway, I did connect to the bleeping computer download link and WAS able to successfully download AdwCleaner v4.101 and run it (successfully). Now all I've got to do is figure out which program(s) are assisting these browsers to collect all these temp. files.
I'm going to run a System Restore as you suggested and hopefully I can get some clues as to what is going on.
As I stated in other post, my system (CPU) is not the fastest in the world. As a matter of fact it is somewhat antiquated compared to today's technology. But as long as it works, it (for the time being) serves my purpose.
I'll let you know the results-- when and if -- they surface.

in the above image you can see the temp files created when I had cleaned everything, then opened firefox and then immediately closed firefox, just that many temp entries were created within firefox, :)