I happened to notice that IE8/Chrome/Chromium derivatives doesn't load this website on XP, though none of them are as secure as using something like Pale Moon or K-Meleon, it would be nice to have either a HTTP fallback for this site, or usage of something other than an ECC certificate which XP's crypt32.dll doesn't recognise.
Or just redirect all devices not being able to read ECC certificates using a htaccess rule to the K-Meleon Goanna test build page would be an easier option (though UA sniffing via htaccess to disable the HTTPS redirect AND the browser itself would have to be implemented, possibly slowing server times).
I just registered here and it'd be nice to see because this is an XP forum after all... also, don't shut the forum down if XP was to become properly obsolete, maybe repurpose the forums into something like MSFN's stuff?
Thanks ^^
I happened to notice that IE8/Chrome/Chromium derivatives doesn't load this website on XP, though none of them are as secure as using something like Pale Moon or K-Meleon, it would be nice to have either a HTTP fallback for this site, or usage of something other than an ECC certificate which XP's crypt32.dll doesn't recognise.
Or just redirect all devices not being able to read ECC certificates using a htaccess rule to the K-Meleon Goanna test build page would be an easier option (though UA sniffing via htaccess to disable the HTTPS redirect AND the browser itself would have to be implemented, possibly slowing server times).
I just registered here and it'd be nice to see because this is an XP forum after all... also, don't shut the forum down if XP was to become properly obsolete, maybe repurpose the forums into something like MSFN's stuff?
Thanks ^^