How to uninstall remote desktop in XP Pro?

Found this info on the topic:

but the main part was too cryptic for me to grasp:

"To remove the Mstscax.dll file, you have to perform a complete removal of Remote Desktop in Microsoft Management Console (MMC). When you uninstall Remote Desktop this way, you will receive a prompt to confirm that you want to delete this file."

Google has failed to provide any elaboration or useable 'how-to' on this. Can anyone decrypt the above, and tell me how to do this?
To disable Remote Desktop

1.Click System in Control Panel.

2.On the Remote tab, clear the Allow users to connect remotely to your computer check box, and then click OK.

Note You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to disable the Remote Desktop feature.

To open a Control Panel item, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click the appropriate icon.
remove remote desktop

Click on the "Start" button and then open the "Control Panel."

Double-click on "Add or Remove Programs" and then click on the "Show Windows Updates" check box.

Click on the "KB925876" entry and click "Remove."

Restart your computer and Remote Desktop is gone.

did you read most of the topics at the below link:


your link specifically says not to worry about leaving those files in system 32.
To disable Remote Desktop

1.Click System in Control Panel.

2.On the Remote tab, clear the Allow users to connect remotely to your computer check box, and then click OK.

Note You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to disable the Remote Desktop feature.

To open a Control Panel item, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click the appropriate icon.
remove remote desktop

Click on the "Start" button and then open the "Control Panel."

Double-click on "Add or Remove Programs" and then click on the "Show Windows Updates" check box.

Click on the "KB925876" entry and click "Remove."

Restart your computer and Remote Desktop is gone.

did you read most of the topics at the below link:


your link specifically says not to worry about leaving those files in system 32.

This is true:

Leaving this file in the System32 folder does not cause any negative effects.

...but I can think of no good reason to leave it behind if a way exists to be rid of it,and there seems to be:

To remove the Mstscax.dll file, you have to perform a complete removal of Remote Desktop in Microsoft Management Console (MMC). When you uninstall Remote Desktop this way, you will receive a prompt to confirm that you want to delete this file.

Why would I not want to do a complete removal using MMC, and nuke the Mstscax.dll too? The only thing stopping me is not knowing how.

Yes I read the link:
for the first couple pages. You quote the first citation:
The next one goes against it:

Remove/Uninstall Remote Desktop
How do I remove/uninstall Remote Desktop in Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3?

(There's no KB925876 entry in Add/Remove Programs even with Show Updates checked and there's no C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB925876$ folder and installing the package from doesn't work because the installer won't install since it detects a service pack higher than SP2... these are the known fixes I've already tried).

There is conflicting info throughout (at least the couple of pages I looked through). Anyway, all I'm interested in is exactly how to "perform a complete removal of Remote Desktop in Microsoft Management Console (MMC)."
Mstscax.dll, this is needed for Fast user Switching Capability, so you do not want to delete this file, if you hover over this file, info is revealed that points to terminal services, go to services and bring up properties and go to the dependency tab, this will show what depends on this service and what this service depends on.

link above is description of fast user switching capabliliy.


Let us consider Windows XP OS and how to uninstall it there:

First you should turn your PC on (if it is turned off) and allow the OS to fully download.
Next, after the system is loaded on, push 'Start' button and choose 'Control Panel' option from 'Settings' menu.
After that click on the 'Add or Remove Programs' icon. From the list of installed programs choose 'Terminal Services Web Client'
After a necessary program is chosen click on the 'Change/Remove' button and uninstall the program.
Follow all prompts during the installation process.

from here


how to use the mmc
Mstscax.dll, this is needed for Fast user Switching Capability, so you do not want to delete this file, if you hover over this file, info is revealed that points to terminal services, go to services and bring up properties and go to the dependency tab, this will show what depends on this service and what this service depends on.

link above is description of fast user switching capabliliy.


from here


how to use the mmc

Fast User Switching is on the 'jettison list', so if nuking the Mstscax.dll will take it out, I would consider that a 'icing on the cake' scenario. There will only be me on this PC, and I only need one administrator account and one limited account, and fast switching between the two is not needed. I have not been able to find any dependency requiring Fast User Switching that I need (most are on my to-nuke list), so unless you know of something absolutely vital that requires it, I really do want to delete Mstscax.dll. BlackViper advocates disabling Fast User Switching:

...but I am looking to be rid of junk I do not need, and so a 'disable' is only acceptable in the event of an item that I cannot eliminate for some reason.

use above to delete file, if it will not delete in normal mode, try in safe mode, also file assasin has a box to check to delete on next reboot.


above link is instructions on deleting a windows service, read thoroughly first.

Hi Liz, how are you?.. So, what is the solution to removing the Remote Desktop after all?
in my first reply to this question, there is the procedure to remove remote desktop, the op just wanted to remove that one file.

I do not have remote desktop on my pc, and have disabled or removed any thing dealing with remote anything.
in my first reply to this question, there is the procedure to remove remote desktop, the op just wanted to remove that one file.

I do not have remote desktop on my pc, and have disabled or removed any thing dealing with remote anything.

Hi, Liz. I read your 1st reply to the OP, but I couldn't find the "KB925876" entry in Control Panel.
then you do not have remote desktop, just delete the entries in the start menu, and in windows firewall (if you use it), make sure there are no checkmarks in the exceptions
tab for remote assistance and desktop
in my first reply to this question, there is the procedure to remove remote desktop, the op just wanted to remove that one file.

I do not have remote desktop on my pc, and have disabled or removed any thing dealing with remote anything.

Thanks for the links. So will File Assassin get rid of both remote desktop and Mstscax.dll? Is this how you got free Remote Desktop? I would love to hear how you "removed any thing dealing with remote anything" and what all exactly you were able to uninstall. I am still researching just what remote junk I can nuke without damage to the OS. Sounds like we have similar goals in this case.
At this time, I cannot recall exactly what I removed as it has been awhile since I did this.

I do use file assasin and I also have take ownership added to my right click context menu.

what you can do is create a system restore point, then delete any thing dealing with remote, if you mess something up you can restore to the point before this, or you can copy each file you wish to delete to a flash drive in case you want to put it back.