How to remove select user screen

Until yesterday, and for as long back as I can remember, on my No 1 desktop following power turn on, the XP initial splash screen was immediately followed by a welcome screen, and then immediately with no further intervention, display of the desktop.

In the last couple of days, the select user screen has appeared after the splash screen, requiring my clicking on the my user icon.
I am the only user, with administrator privileges, and this has not changed. It seems co-incident with a very recent automatic update.

I have checked the User Accounts dialogue, and right now, it has changed my account to ASP user Net or some such.
Login screen not needed with Fast c/o unticked

read my replies above, this was due to an update by microsoft,

Thanks for the fast response, and the referral.
The actions to (1) Remover the added user account ( and un-tick the Fast c/o box which were recommended in the thread, I actually did myself before receiving this post from you.

So it worked, and while I did find the solution myself, I am grateful to the "panel" for such a fast and useful response.
I did panic a bit when the new user Asp.NET came up, but "heart-in-mouth", I quickly deleted that, hoping it hadn't killed my existing account.
The explanations from Window help as to what the two log in boxes do exactly is not very clear.
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