How to recover System Restore which was shut down by CONFIG

On 26.1.23 I double-clicked on C:\WINDOWS\CONFIGURE.BAT in relation to another matter. The unintended result was that System Restore has been shut down. I have tried everything to get it back but with no success. In the attached file there is the record taken directly from the CONFIGURE.BAT history, with a few added notes from me. I am trying to reinstall from cds, but no success so far. My PC is running windows xp home.


  • CONFIG record 26.1.23.txt
    2.2 KB · Views: 14
Is your PC booting XP with System Restore disabled or is it un-bootable? If it is unbootable what do you see on the screen?
Is your PC booting XP with System Restore disabled or is it un-bootable? If it is unbootable what do you see on the screen?
Until this week I have had no problem booting in to xp. Now I need to bypass the flashing cursor left hand top of screen. In addition, the PC has shut down a number of times over the past few days. Maybe there is some connection to the SR issue?
Is your PC booting XP with System Restore disabled or is it un-bootable? If it is unbootable what do you see on the screen?
I was trying to eradicate an annoying timeglass delay on some unzipped files. The latest is that System Restore has been RESTORED. It suddenly reappeared under System today, and I can access it again. It may be, as with the parable of the unjust judge, my dear old xp could not withstand the constant pressure I was putting on it to return SR. Strangely the problems with startup & shutdown (see above) also seem to now be eliminated (but who knows what tomorrow may bring with xp?). Thanks to those who have offered advice or asked questions.
May I ask what the matter you were addressing is/was?