How to play dvd-rom files without dvd?

Hello everyone, I have a strange question for y'all, what do I need to do to play features from dvd-roms from movies without having the psychical disk? Would windows xp be able to play any of the files? Some of the files are html files and I tried mypal and that didn't work for me. I'm running them on a windows xp vm using virtualbox trying to show them to a friend but it didn't work. My host is Linux Mint 22.1 Wilma if you are curious. Also would it be more convenient to run them on my host? Thank you for your time
Edit: I got the .zip files from and the files are contained in folders with different files
You will need either an ISO file made from the DVD or the files themselves. DVD videos don't have HTML files because DVD players don't know what to do with them so you probably downloaded some bogus files from Archive.
Usually DVD videos have filenames like VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.VOB etc.
And yes, you're better off using the host OS with something like VLC.