How to install windows from VHD onto an IVY Bridge laptop with a sata SSD

Hello, I am new here! I have made a similar thread at Toms Hardware and gotten no response, so I hope you can help!
I haven't used a computer with Windows XP for a while, and I would like to use it again for some old games and nostalgia. My main computer has an AMD Ryzen CPU with a GTX 1050 so I am aware Windows XP is not going to work other than through VMware, as neither my CPU or GPU are supported by Windows XP.

I have a Toshiba Satellite L55-A5284 Laptop purchased August of 2013 with the following specs:
Intel® Core™ i5-3337U Processor. This is a Hyperthreaded Dual core that only turbos to a puny max of 2.7ghz
Intel® HD Graphics 4000 These have XP drivers available.
12gb 1600mhz DDR3 ram. This is in a 4+8gb configuration running in dual channel. I am aware XP 32-bit only allows for 3.5gb to be used
SATA Optical Drive
750gb 5400rpm SATA2 HDD, upgraded to a 240gb Kingston SA400 SSD.

I really want to install Windows XP on the laptop without any other operating system or VirtualBox/VMware needed. This laptop has some drivers for Windows XP: Intel has XP 32-bit drivers for the Igpu, Toshiba has wifi card drivers for XP 32bit, and this site has other drivers including AHCI The Ivy Bridge I5 should be supported by Windows XP with the correct drivers, however, I am having a problem with Windows XP.

I don't want to spend any money on this project so I am going with a trial version of Windows XP, at least until I confirm everything works. Since Microsoft no longer has an ISO file available for download (and I'm not a pirate), I am using this method to extract a virtual hard drive of Windows XP from XP mode: This leaves me with a trial copy of Windows XP 32-bit SP3 in .VHD form with a lot of updates, if not all. I have taken the VHD, mounted it as a physical E drive, and I can boot from it on my main pc using VMware, with no issues at all. I then used the free version EaseUS ToDo Backup to clone the mounted VHD to my SATA SSD. I put the SSD in my Ivy Bridge L55 laptop as the sole drive, I didn't get anywhere. After changing a lot of bios settings regarding compatibility with SATA modes and secure boot, I get a bit further. I now have the following settings in bios:
SATA Interface setting: Performance (not changed)
Internal USB3 Controller: Enabled
Boot speed: Normal (no longer fast boot)
USB Legacy Emulation: Enabled
Built-in LAN: Disabled
Webcam: Disabled
SATA Controller Mode: Compatability (no longer AHCI)
Boot Mode: CSM Boot (Not UEFI)
This allows me to get further. When I turn on the laptop, I see a recovery screen. Choosing "Start Windows normally or any safe mode" leads me to the classic windows XP boot logo. Unfortunately, the screen immediately goes to a BSOD and promptly restarts no matter what I try. Pressing F8 and disabling auto restart i get the following error code: 0x0000007B (0xBACC3528,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000) This seems to be a disk error, SSD or AHCI issue possibly? I don't want to buy a disk, but I guess if that's the only solution I may.
I also tried to run this SSD on my Toshiba Satellite C55-B laptop with an unsupported quad-core Intel Pentium N3530 @ 2.16GHz. I set the bios to CSM mode, the only legacy setting, only to get similar results, with the stop code 0x0000007E, leading to an ACPI error. I don't want XP on this laptop, but i just double checked to make sure the problem wasn't the SSD. It won't boot at all with my Ryzen 3 1200.
I plan on using this as a spare pc, and I am aware of the security risks associated with XP. I know 32-bit limits me to 3.5gb ram, the system doesn't boot on 4gb ram either. I don't want to use VirtualBox/VMware. How do I get around this issue? I bet this is a sata issue but i am at the limits of my knowledge here. Please help me get the system booted with correct drivers, which i dont know how to slipstream into an existing VHD. Sorry about the wall of text, but im trying to be specific and understandable.