How to fix a blue screen error caused by changing MB?

Hi folks,
Not long ago I got an old PC without HDD on it. For testing it I used a HDD from another same age old PC (different brand and MB) which has a Win XP installed. Surprisingly it could start up the Win XP in the normal boot mode. As expected, It didn't go well since there were a lot of errors caused by the hardware compatibility. After the test I put the HDD back to the original PC and then I always get a blue screen error (stop: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0xB3871756, 0xBA4C742C, 0xBA4C7128)) when it boots into the normal mode of the Win XP. It is now able to start up in the safe mode only. I tried to use the original installation disc to repair it but doesn't work. Is that possible to fix this problem without re-install the OS? Thanks!
Essentially you have done what is not meant to be done. You cannot take a HDD that has an operating system that was loaded and tailored to one motherboard and completely switch out the motherboard to a new make and/or model. Even more so, going back the other way.

Blue screen errors are usually in relation to drivers. So the fact that you're able to boot into safe mode and not a regular desktop to me, points to drivers.

And always, at any point before you do anything major as it relates to moving storage around, it is advisable to completely back up storage. In this case, it would have been a good idea to perhaps use Clonezilla, and clone the entire disk as a backup image.

I don't know that there is any way to go back and undo what has been done. Backup images are great in this regard.
The easiest way to replace motherboard is if you get a motherboard that has the same components. Same CPU, chipset, etc. That way Windows will just reinstall the drivers by itself and it works. I've done it many times.

I read ages ago that there was a command line to prepare windows for putting it on another computer. Didn't matter if it was a different one. But I don't know what it was called.