How to enable XP to use all 4 gb of RAM?

I heard there's some trick to make this work, something involving Phyisical Extension Address(PAE), but I didn't understand exactly how to do it.
Anybody knows?
Right now when someone has 4gb of RAM on Windows XP it lets him use only 3gb because 1gb stay reserved for graphics card. I want to know how to make use of full 4gb.
The solution is easy, open up your boot.ini file in the root of your system drive. At the end of the line for your XP installation, add "/PAE" without the quotes. This enabled the physical address extensions which will allow you to use up to 4GB of memory (the upper limit in XP Pro).

from here


above is search page for this issue, you should read through several articles to get the background on this issue before you try anything