How I can download ISO file for window?

use internet archive plenty of them there,make sure you read the description though the code is usually there,good hunting :)
Are you really sure you want or need Windows 10.

If you can say yes to this, buy a genuine copy. Sure, there are many ISO files out there and some may actually work, for a while. Playing with the Win 10 activation files when building an ISO usualy leads to problems. All the usual activation files do is repeat this function at each start up.

Windows 10, despite what Microsoft may say, is very resource hungry. The number of apps running in the background will slow up any PC more than two years old. Finding and turning off these apps and functions takes a lot of time. And, some will reactivate despite what you do.

My humble opinion is that we use Windows 10 just because it is there. My preference would be for Windows 7 despite Microsoft support having ended.

Having said that I am conflicted. My PC runs Windows 10 because it was installed before I bought the PC. I actually obtain good performance from Windows 10 as my PC is a monster. Eight core, 4 GHZ, 16GB RAM with some extra hardware tweaks.

But, at the end of all this, each of us will do as we wish.

Good luck.

Aunty Jack.
most sites now only use win 10 ie banks , insurance and alike if they still worked under xp then i would not have to use it at all, that said once you remove a few apps ,block access to everything ,unless you need 10 to use your camera mic and pic folder then it gets along quite well ,win 10 is just rubbish pushed out so most people would throw away there old stuff ,so pc company's could make more bucks last new pc i had was a brand new vista which was a present way back then, have used xp from day 1 and still use it :) long live xp :)
most sites now only use win 10 ie banks , insurance and alike...
If you're using win10 for these, you are asking to have a lot of trouble when you get hacked. The most current version of windows always has the most amount of hacker attackers as it is the most prevalent target, and win 10 is no exception--hence why there are nearly constant updates.

If you really are using these type of sites online (should be doing them offline), use the TENS live cd. It was designed for air force security, so they WILL make sure it's not hackable as an interest in national security.