How Do I Silence my Annoying Hard Disk?

Its annoying when my hard disk keep spinning all the time. This didn't happen when I first got my laptop years ago, however. Is there a way to silence it or stop it from spinning all tihe time?

Elizabeth, maybe you can chime in, sweety?
you might have the index service running and if so do this:

Go to start, right click on My computer and then, right click on the C: drive and select Properties. Uncheck the box that says "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching".


check in scheduled tasks, do you have any tasks running??

be sure to click on the Advanced button and select to show hidden tasks


Bring up the Task Manager, by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del simultaneously. Select the Processes tab. From the menu at the top of the Task Manager display, click View -> Select Columns..., check the "I/O Reads" column and click OK. Then, in the Processes display, click on the column header for the "I/O Reads" column to sort the list of displayed processes based on the number of "I/O reads"(The number of read input/output operations generated by the process, including file, network, and device I/Os). Clicking on the column header is like flipping a toggle switch; each time you click, the sort (display) order is reversed based on the values in that column (highest to lowest, or lowest to highest).

read the link below for a further description of task manager with this option used:


another cause might be not enough memory, go to start, right click on my computer, choose properties
and on the general tab How much ram is listed??

I have 2gb, running xp pro, fully updated and even though my antivirus uses the most I/O's (2 to 3 hundred thousand) I do not hear my hard drive constantly running.


also in my bios (I have a Dell dimension 3000) I have a setting on the hard drive for quiet or best performance, it was 50/50 either way I set it so I left it at the default, but check your bios to see if you have a quiet setting.


Let me know if any of this helps. :)

Hi, Liz. I'm so sorry, but I meant the fan keeps spinning when before it used to be more silent and was working less. This is what I originally meant so I'm sorry.

If you cna please tell me how to silence the fan, I'd appreciate it.