How do I find latest driver for this hardware?

I'm trying resolve an issue with very slow internet connection, and I decided to start with confirming I have the correct driver installed for my Network Controller.

Information I have about this device is such:

Product Type NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller

PNP Device ID {1A3E09BE-1E45-494B-9174-D7385B45BBF5}\NVNET_DEV0269\4&82CA65C&1&01

Current installed driver is by nVidia, Version Dated 8/1/2006

I have had no luck looking up this strange product ID number.

Tried using Snappy Driver Installer.... it installed a non working driver which I had to roll back.

Thanks for any assistance,
The driver Snappy had installed was of the exact same hardware ID, but V. dated 3-4-2010.
(the link you posted is for a Thai language package of drivers)

The network "repair" you suggested took 2 seconds and changed nothing.... my internet speed is still around 600kbps average. On really good days, it might hit 1.2Mbps.

No cable in my area..... I'm stuck with either DSL or Satellite....
Checked my drivers stash and this appeared to be different so I D/L it.... turned out to be exactly the same drivers as currently installed.

Ethernet on my primary system is onboard, and that MB is about 20 years old now. I have it hard wired to the router/modem.

As some of you know, I recently bought a used Dell laptop which is about 10 years old and installed XP on it as well. Along the way I also had it hard wired and noticed that the internet connection was always faster than my primary system.... typically about twice as fast. I've been using Fast.Com to test this.

My G/F also has a laptop about 10 years old and that machine also has lousy internet speed using the WiFi.

About 6 months ago I did an online chat with my (Earthlink) ISP concerning this issue, and the tech urged me to change out my Netgear router for their approved Smart RG Gateway SR360N router.... I did this and noticed no improvement at all.

I've talked to two of my neighbors (also on DSL) using a different ISP, and they are getting much faster internet than I..... 6-10Mbps. (their ISP lied to them as well claiming they would get 150Mbps).

So given all of the above, I'm not sure if I have a shotty phone line, or a crappy ISP, or if Centurylink (who actually own the phone lines here) is somehow throttling my connection down.
I only get 3.8 mbps , I have checked with my isp and I cannot get any higher in my area I am on DSL , but a cell phone goes much quicker and it is on wifi, I think it has win 7 on it, though not xp :)

some questions:

what browser
does the browser have a safe mode
is the internet speed at quicker in safe mode?

not sure about hardwiring or the motherboard, my onboard ethernet connection broke fairly early on and I bought a realtek pci card from dell and it has been going since, (had pc since 2005 used)

take a look at this page, I went to drivers, and clicked on all nvidia drivers, and filled in nforce 9 series from the drop down box under series, does this give you a different version?
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When I start Firefox 52.9 in Safe mode the speed test is 9% faster.... which is still 1/4 of what you're getting.

When I say hardwired, this means that router/modem is connected to computer ethernet port via cable..... (not WiFi)

Not sure if I still have an old PCI ethernet card hanging around..... or an empty PCI slot to test it. (Not my first choice of remedies and does nothing for the other 2 machines here).

I've been to that nVidia site a few times over the years..... I have the most recent drivers for my MB they have to offer. And MSI (MB mfg) has older stuff.

As it turns out, my son recently got a job with Centurylink, so perhaps I will change ISP's soon. He also showed me a mobile "hotbox" he has from Verizon, but I don't know too much about it.