How can I find the Administrator account after name change

I created an Administrator account in addition to the one created by the OS during installation. For some reason that I cannot remember, I changed the names of both these accounts, the one created by XP and the one created by me. I have forgotten which one is which. How can I find out which admin account was created by the OS during installation?
Try running Lusrmgr.msc



Try running "control.exe userpasswords2"

%windir%\system32\control.exe userpasswords2
go to safe mode, whichever account is listed first that is the real admin account
Thank you. That showed it all right. I had created 2 other accounts and the real Administrator account was not visible. I mistakenly thought that one of the two I created was the real Admin account. In safe mode all 3 were there with 'Administrator' at the top of the list.

While using the computer from another account, if I need to login as Administrator, what is the shortest (best?) way to do it? Is it possible to do this without disrupting the programs that are already open?
Hello secpar,

I am not sure of what you say in your post above. Do you want me to run these strings in a command window? If I do that what is supposed to happen?
you should be able to get to the admin account if you logoff, or switch users, since I only use admin account in safe mode I cannot tell you if this is a fact, :)
the built in admin account is a failsafe, if something goes wrong with your other accounts you can always go to the admin account to attempt a correction, that is if you have not done anything to change the account. :)
I have never been locked out of an account so I cannot say for sure, mostly so you can fix corrupted accounts, I once forgot a password but corrected the issue with Hiren's Boot cd