How can I access the Wi-Fi on my Dell Latitude D630 that I installed Windows XP on?

I installed Windows XP recently on a Dell Latitude D630 laptop that I intend to use as a retro gaming PC. One of the games that I want to play on it is on my steam account where I bought it and seems to have compatibility issues with Windows 10. So, I want to install steam on this laptop so I can install and play the game on it. The problem is that the OS seems to be lacking some drivers and one of them I need so I can access the Wi-Fi to download whatever I need. The Dell website has Windows XP drivers for the laptop and I installed one of them that I believe allows the laptop to connect to the Wi-Fi:

This is the driver I downloaded:

I copied it to a flash drive and ran the .exe on the laptop and everything appeared to go alright. However, I didn't know what to do after that. I looked on the control panel options and it didn't seem to be straight forward.

I know that Windows XP has been officially unsupported since 2014 and I understand the risks accessing the internet on an unsupported OS. Any precautions from anyone about accessing the internet on Windows XP I will accept and take seriously. In the end, I just need to do a few things regarding using the internet on Windows XP that, at the moment, are unavailable, so I'd appreciate any assistance on what I need to do.