Honest Review: "MyPal-Webbrowser"

Welcome Readers,
As i am Writing this Post Right Now i have a Legacy Office which is in the Time-Zone of Early 2014.
The Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 still have Security Support. The Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2012 R2 are both Running in Harmony. The Usage of the Web in Modern Times is a little Critical. Not even with the Internet Explorer 8 you can watch Sites from the Past. We found the MyPal Web Browser, it is Perfect. Even when it is Running on Windows 8.1 it is Perfect for us. We can now use a Old-School Firefox Browser and our Feelings for it are Positive. We installed a few Days ago and had almost no Issues. Even Running a Modern Site like YouTube in an Amazing speed is now Possible. We can now Download Old Server Software from Modern Sites. It is Running Quite Nicely. Even when using it for Work we have no Issues, it is not Like Any other Browser we Used so far, it does not Require much RAM compared to its more Complicated Future Generation of Web Browsers. It is being Actively Updated, although even if you are on a Slightly Older Patch it is no Issue. Even using it Daily for Client Machines is not an Issue. You also get Updated Search Engines and Certificates, an Issue we have been Dealing with for quite some time. This is not Advertisement, it is an Honest Review from Our Perspective. We Recommend to Try this Browser out. It Supports full HTML5. You may all have a Good Day / Night.

wowinyou Software
We are all familiar with MyPal since even before MoonChild (Pale Moon developer) forbade Feodor (MyPal/Centaury maintainer) from using their source thus killing MyPal/Centaury development. Feodor has produced a new version of MyPal (68) based on Quantum but it's still a little rough around the edges as he works to fix certain bugs,

It should also be noted that none of the XP Mozilla-based browsers work with Discord, Bitchute, Yelp, Skype for Web, Zoom for Web, certain banking websites, Github and many others. That's just the way it is, the web keeps evolving.

The best XP web browsing experience is ArcticFoxie's modified 360Chrome 13 browser. So far, works with every website that failed on MyPal.

Doesn't mean you have to abandon MyPal - it still works with 90% of websites so you can continue to use it. If you run into problems just use 360Chrome 13.

Yes, I hesitate to rush to judgement, but you are coming across as someone with a vested interest rather than a user.

I will apologise, should I have got this wrong.
Sniff, sniff doesn't pass my smell test. I'll be avoiding this one. Pretty poor advertising approach.
reviews are fine, but it sounds like advertising in this and your other post.
We do devolop Stuff, however not this Complicated stuff. If these were Ads I'd go: You check this out and try it.
I am not Telling you to Try it, its as the Title says. A Review for Something i use. I rate it on the Usefulness for me in an Office Environment. I can't decide on how useful it might be to others
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