Help with backup for windows xp

I am in the process of backing up all files on my xp and it has stalled with a message about File E. please help I think a crash is imminent. sorry have to go for other help.
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Your issue is not clear, any error messages?

how much has been backed up?

did you bypass file e and go on with the rest?
Thank you Elizabeth23. It was an issue with my security McAfee, which I resolved by uninstalling and installing another one. I also switched my browser. So far so good. Thanks again. Marnie
I am in the process of backing up all files on my xp and it has stalled with a message about File E. please help I think a crash is imminent. sorry have to go for other help.

My opionion, is that a backup should not be necessary.. it should be well maintained instead.
however there is a recovery boot partition, that is good
USUALLY a C Drive has the OS ( always ) and then the D Drive, may be the backup
I have HP Machines, and they run xp !
run - disc defragmenter
run - scan disc
get a new hard drive, and re install xp.
use the backup utility, within windows xp.

reboot, if it does not work !

then try again ! let the system cool down, or run in an air conditioned room ! No Joke !
if these systems overheat they literally slow down and stop working !
good luck !

theres also a thing that says how much of your disc is reserved for A Backup space.
some are set at 5 % percent, its a slider, you can set it to whatever you want .
at 10 Percent its like 10 gigs, so its a lot, i dont know what it backs up, but with 10 gigs it had better back up everything !
I've never had an XP computer with a backup partition where I have installed XP.
I have several old Toshiba laptops (XP), that do not have any other partitions backup or otherwise, hdds have only 'C', Couple of '7' laptops, they do have a recovery partition.

Where is the setting for reserving backup space?

(edit: "hdds have only 'C'", and no hidden partitions, either)