Help required

On a forum used by myself, (it is connected with my hometown) a poster asked for help to find basic computer skills course.

He posed the question this way: "I have had computers for many years but the truth is I only know the basics. I have always wanted to learn more." and went on to explain not understanding PDF, JPEG, URLs etc.

Because of constraints imposed by caring for his disabled wife, he has not been able to take up classes that have been suggested.

Can anyone RECOMMEND an online course covering basics that could be of help to him?
The problem you have there is, if someone doesn’t know the very basics, they might find it hard to learn from “Online” resources. Also it also matters what operating system they are using, on how one sets about teaching.

However here are two quite good ones.

In my mind, it might be better to just get them a book. Here are some the web recommends.

Computer Basics Absolute Beginner's Guide, Windows 10 Edition £4.66

Computers For Seniors For Dummies Paperback £4.72

Alternatively if you have a good printer I have listed the link to download “Computers For Seniors”


(The PDF is 21MB and 435 pages.

Use the slow download, it should take less than a minute.

PS. for Priscus only. I would have used surreal English humour in this post, however I think we have already established it is completely lost on many on the site. I know you get it, but C’est la vie.
If he doesn't mind paying, have courses like how to use Microsoft Office. They even give you a certificate when you finish. For a small price he can take as many courses as he wants with just one payment.

I am sure there is a lot of information out there, but I did not feel able to assess the quality of any particular example, hence asking on here.