HELP!! I'm Getting Errors Trying to Backup XP!!

I'm using Macrium Reflect to make a clone of my XP. But, I get an error ID: 0x8004230f. This error has something to do with Volume Shadow Copy, which is enabled. In Event Viewer, I get this error:

Event 12292
Source VSS

Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error creating the Shadow Copy Provider COM class with CLSID {65ee1dba-8ff4-4a58-ac1c-3470ee2f376a} [0x80040154].

I also get error 1060, which is. "The specified service does not exist as an installed service."

Please someone help.. I want to backup XP very badly!!!
Brandon Kelly
I had this same issue and not letting things like a backup of a system state run, as well as not letting vmware converter push a snapshot etc. I figured out what it was. It was a 3rd party VSS writer (Acronis software). I removed the writer from the registry and it's working now.

Others can cause the same issue, doesn't have to be Acronis.

HKey Local Machine\System\Current Control Set\Services\Vss\Providers

Pavel Dzemyantsau
I had this error on Windows 2003 when 2 services were “Disabled”, namely "Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider" and "Volume Shadow Copy".

both above from here


make sure services are started/automatic
After the initial backup, I haven't backed up XP again, preferring to back up files instead.

However, I did find this:

If I may, can I ask you if the VSS service is turned off?

I ask because I have mine turned off to save resources.

If you're not sure, click Control Panel, Administrative Tools Services then scroll down to check Volume Shadow Copy. It should be Manual by default.

along with Jojo's link here are a lot of articles from macrium for troubleshooting.

Hi, Liz. This is what I did. I downloaded a program called XXCopy and it cloned my hard drive to another hard drive and it didn't need VSS to be turned on.

I'm very happy with the results except for 2 minor things. 1st, when I bootup the cloned hard drive, I get an O/S Option Menu which gives me an option as to which O/S I want to bootup to. This makes no sense since I only have one O/S. 2nd, when I tried to uninstall a program, it couldn't find the uninstall file for it. This was weird.

I also noticed that the clone runs boots up and runs much faster than the source hard drive. Maybe it's because in cloning the hard drice, it had to ignore backing up certain files, maybe?
properly cloned will not skip any files.

an incremental backup will skip unmodified files

as to the two boot options , are they both xp?? did you backup twice with full clone to the same disk??
properly cloned will not skip any files.

an incremental backup will skip unmodified files

as to the two boot options , are they both xp?? did you backup twice with full clone to the same disk??

Hi Liz.. I didn't say I had 2 boot options. I said that I get an option to boot from a list of O/S's. The option shows a list. Each line in the list says XP and its variant. There's like 10 of these variants. But I only cloned 1 O/S. It could be a normal consequence of the program. But, it's annoying as hell. I don't know why they included this instead of allowing the user to boot directly into the desktop.

Also, I'm thinking about using XP's Xcopy this time. Which program do yoyu think is better in cloning a hard drive to another? Xcopy or XXClone?

And, in Xcopy, there are added commands to extend the use of the program (below). My question is, if I omit '/e' (Copies any subfolder, even if it is empty.), will I run into problems? Doesn't that command contradict command '/s'?

/s Copies folders and subfolders except empty ones.
/e Copies any subfolder, even if it is empty.

read reviews at above links, it seems that xcopy was better for pre xp and xclone for xp, but that incrementals are only with a paid copy.


okay, what are the variants? in other words give me the exact listings, and also what happens when you try to boot to one of these listings?? let me know what each one does.

I have not used xxclone or xcopy or macrium . I tried macrium one time but it would not boot as a separate drive.

Since you are not doing incrementals, how many times have you cloned your drive??

each listing may be for each separate clone??

read reviews at above links, it seems that xcopy was better for pre xp and xclone for xp, but that incrementals are only with a paid copy.


okay, what are the variants? in other words give me the exact listings, and also what happens when you try to boot to one of these listings?? let me know what each one does.

I have not used xxclone or xcopy or macrium . I tried macrium one time but it would not boot as a separate drive.

Since you are not doing incrementals, how many times have you cloned your drive??

each listing may be for each separate clone??

Hey Liz.. Here's what I did.. as to the cloned hard drvie, I went into boot.ini and deleted all the "variant" O/S options. Simple as that!. Now, only the main O/S boots up without going through that O/S Menu Options list. Thanks for your help anyway Liz. I know that cloning and backing up one's system is not as easy as one might think, unfortunately.