Hello from a newbie

Just joined this forum: so this my first post.

Been running XP Pro. since 2005, when I put together a (then) state of the art machine with the then new Athlon FX64. on mobo designed for enthusiasts by the now long gone manufacturer: Abit.

This rig still running relatively problem free more than ten years on. Did have major hiccup in 2008, when power surge/lightening strike destroyed some parts: I thought it a goner, but on checking out, HDD, Optical Drive, and just one memory location had been ruined, so were quickly replaced, though I failed to persuade Microsoft to honour the activation following the replacements, so had to replace the OS also.

Most of its life, machine has been multi-boot with various flavours of Linux. (Having found Microsoft so unhelpful: I was not going to trust them again!)

Just completed the latest incarnation: set up KVM switch and HDMI switch, so that from my desk I can direct my keyboard mouse and monitor to either my legacy XP machine, or to an up to date monster with Windows 10 and 32GB of Ram: both machines also running Linux.

Reason for running two machines, is to have available the faster interconnects: USB3, SATA3 etc and to have AHCI for better utilisation of SSDs on the newer machine, and to endeavour to run the older machine for as long as I can, because that too has uses that the new technology cannot manage: Ease that XP can direct MIDI output to an external instrument (Far better than later OS's) and the Windows Media player in XP also better for MIDIs.

Tried out on another machine the unofficial SP4: when I am satisfied that all is OK, will download it to this machine, which has new OS installed (SP3) and new HDD.

Some teething problems: 'Event 51': paging faults indicated in event viewer, and event viewer itself has a few times suffered hanging (not responding) and I have not been able so far to locate the source of these problems.

When all is stable, it will not be necessary for the XP machine to go on line, as other device is available, and I will use it to interface to my Yamaha keyboards for MIDI playing.

So I am committing myself to keeping an XP system going well into the future.

I was searching for others who might be doing similar, when I found this forum.
Thank you, Elizabeth.

Like the person in first link, Have run extensive diagnostic tests on both RAM and HDD: both appear to be fault free.

The KVM switch, is effectively a USB Hub, which switches to either machine to host, (Device manager sees it as a USB Hub): I recall XP throws up event 51 warnings in response to presence of USB devices active on start up, so maybe cause. Will see if it goes away with direct connection of keyboard and mouse.

I do find it rather strange that the drive referenced in respect of event 51 is optical drive. Cannot understand why XP wants to involve such in paging operation! All are SATA drives, so not a shared cable problem. (is correctly identified as optical both in BIOS and XP)

My intention is to put the pagefile on its own partition on a separate disk (1st partition), as I usually do with my Linux swapfile.

My preference is to fettle the 51 issue first, but if not successful, may go ahead, and see if still occurs when pagefile has been relocated.
Well! The event 51 issue seems to have spontaneously righted itself!

Shades of Terry Gilliam's film 'Brazil'!

Always suspected that XP had moodiness built into it.