Hello everyone longtime no see. Got a new windows xp computer with problems

It’s a dell computer and the problem is “lsass.exe an invalid parameter was passed to a service or function.”
well, you need to repair the registry.
Well everything is fixed I got everything up and running but I’m wondering how much ram it can store it’s 168 DIMMs SDRAM, with 2 notches and I can only find a max for 512mb each, does this mean I can only have 1gb ram max or is there more ram types for 2 notch ram?
Ya it took me a while because I was running check disks but I just got the registry repair and it looks like the last this was used was April 23, 2007.

Sorry Sam but I deleted your account
well, you need to repair the registry.
I installed SP3 no it’s BSODing on me with DRIVER_IQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. The most recent thing I installed was SP3 and a WiFi card but that doesn’t seem to be it
that is generally an incompatible driver error

if you can boot to safe mode , uninstall the driver, (the bsod should show some file info)
that is generally an incompatible driver error

if you can boot to safe mode , uninstall the driver, (the bsod should show some file info)
Well looks like it was the WiFi card driver as it works in sp2 but not SP3. And I can’t seem to find a generic WiFi pci card driver and this machine doesn’t have Ethernet at all
is the built in ethernet not working?

did you install sp3 FIRST before installing the wifi card?

what is the brand of that card, please, and did you check the system requirements?

I have forgotten but was your pc 32 or 64 bit?