Goodbye me little lovelies

Hello from Aunty Jack,

Something trashed the ethernet link from my main modem/router.
Re-installed XP from scratch and quess what, no net link.
Lost the "activate" app for Vista.
Not my day at all.

So, call me a traitor if you wish, back to Linux. (LinuxMint 17 "mate" version".
I have had a lot of good fun on XP Forum and will miss it. Maybe in future I will try to install XP on a spare hard disk and be back

In the words of "Aunty Jack", the main player/persona in an old Aussie comedy show. "goodbye me little lovelies".


Aunty Jack.
The reason you don't have a link is the drivers for modern modems are not on your installation disc.

You need, firstly, to identify the manufacturer of your drivers. MIne are part of a set, for example, Asus. The same as the motherboard.

However, I suspect you really just want to leave and make a bit of a song and dance. Have fun. Good luck with Linux.
Reply to Jojo


I regard your reply to me in open forum as insulting and offensive. My post/message was to say that I was very happy to be part of the XP forum and somewhat sad to leave.
It is appropriate that I in turn reply to to you in open forum rather than a private message. What one may see, all can see.

I know what drivers are.
I know what installation discs are.
I know what old modem/routers can and can't do.

As for your comment about, "making a song and dance", if you see it that way you are lacking in common good manners and in my opinion comments of that nature do not become a senior member of any forum.

Terminate my membership if you wish. That is a matter for you. Should I install XP again and see that I am "banned" from the forum for taking issue with you, so be it.

Aunty Jack.
I am just an member here like you so termination is the province of higher powers for both of us.

I do hope you derive the pleasure from your little outburst that you seek.

Wish you well. Good luck with Linux, you'll need it.
@OP. I hope you switch back to XP soon... It'll be an eye opener how XP is 10X way more beautiful when you enable clear type fonts with the powertoy app. It certainly opened my eyes...
@OP. I hope you switch back to XP soon... It'll be an eye opener how XP is 10X way more beautiful when you enable clear type fonts with the powertoy app. It certainly opened my eyes...

Can't you just enable clear type in the Desktop properties section?
Can't you just enable clear type in the Desktop properties section?

No, what I mean is XP fonts are already beautiful without clear type. CT is just the icing on the cake. Linux impressed me a lot with its features. But that impression only lasted until I went back to XP. Now, I can't ever go back after seeing the best of both worlds...
Hello Eatup from Aunty Jack,

Yes, back with XP. Flirtation with Vista but the old tried and true XP is perfect for what I want and do. Thank you for your encouragement to come back. Much appreciated.

Cheers from Aunty Jack.
Hello from Aunty Jack,

It seems like you've had your share of technical challenges. Welcome back to Linux! Enjoy your LinuxMint 17 journey, and perhaps XP will make a return someday. "Goodbye, me little lovelies!"