Gone over to the dark side.

Now everybody, let rip and put the boot, elbow, fist, whatever in. Kick my skinny a$$.

For what I use my PC for, mainly research, literature, music, physics, etc I find, yes, "choke, gasp in horror", that Linux (Linux Mint 17 "Mate") is much quicker, far more stable, and despite the lack of games (not really interested anyway) is, probably for a while, the OS I will use.

But, dear old XP sits on a spare hard disk in my desk drawer and probably will be put in and used again. (hard disk change on a Dell Optiplex GX270 takes about three minutes).

Horses for courses I suppose. I find even the "biggie" of Office Suites (Libre Office) is up and running in six seconds with Linux.

Pro and Con. XP or Linux.

Now that I have painted a huge target on my shirt, fire away. Gimmie hell. !


Aunty Jack.
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I really cannot say, I have only used xp and I like it, I was briefly having to use a win7 and did not like it, one day I may try linux. :)
This my first time to post anything - reply, thread, etc - to this forum and I am confused by the structure of the website. Did I miss how to begin a new thread or maybe I am not yet allowed to open a new thread? If I can't open a new thread, how am I able to communicate with other members?
@ lusby clark, if you go to the forum index of your choice you will see in the top left corner, a NEW THREAD button click on that to start your own thread, please provide as much info as is available.