Getting rid of the blue borders around a window

The borders are the frames around the edge of the window. These consist of the top, bottom, right and left sides of the window.
Right click on desktop - get Display properties
Click on Appearance tab
Click on 'Advanced'
In 'Item' box select what you want to modify/change
Knock yourself out!



You can change colors (duh!) But, multi-colors!
Text size & color
etc etc
I personally prefer functionality to cosmetics. Classic view is essential for me. I have no idea if a classic option is available past XP.
I personally prefer functionality to cosmetics. Classic view is essential for me. I have no idea if a classic option is available past XP.
Yeah, and *cosmetically* speaking, I now find the classic theme much easier to work with and the acid blue / green is soo dated and the classic theme I use is hard to distinguish. A few years ago, somebody had to come by to repair the internet in my flat and he could not tell this is XP and thought it was linux ... hehe ... not that I care as I live alone and nobody ever comes by - trust me I prefer it that way and haven't had company in ages (and ages) and I'd never allow anybody to use my computers.
