Forgot password can't figure out how to reset

Have an XP laptop haven't used for LONG time. Forgot long ago the password but tring to log in...when I startup the laptop goes straight to the log in screen/box

Since I don't remeber my login password how can I reset the XP's password if I can't get by the login screen ?

Thanks for any help on this...


Hacking Windows XP Login Password

1. Restart your computer and keep pressing F8.

2. From the menu, select boot in safe mode with command prompt.

3. once you’re at the command prompt, type “net users” (without quotes)

4. You will see a list of usernames. Pick the username that you are using and type “net users username *” (without quotes, replace username with a real username from that username list)

5. You will be asked to enter a new password and a second reconfirmation.

6. Press enter and you will be told that your username password has been changed successfully.

Hacking Windows XP Login Password

1. Restart your computer and keep pressing F8.

2. From the menu, select boot in safe mode with command prompt.

3. once you’re at the command prompt, type “net users” (without quotes)

4. You will see a list of usernames. Pick the username that you are using and type “net users username *” (without quotes, replace username with a real username from that username list)

5. You will be asked to enter a new password and a second reconfirmation.

6. Press enter and you will be told that your username password has been changed successfully.

Thanks for the quick response Elizabeth....but I can't get to Safe mode or anything else...either warm or cold boot takes me to a blank screen with only a small blue box with enter password in it...but I can't enter anything in it
Thanks for quick response... problem is however if I reboot I get a blank screen with only a blue "enter password" box....can't get to any other screen pressing F8 or way to enter setup or bios screen...just small blue box saying "Enter Password" ? F2 or F8 at startup does nothing ?? Always get the blue box screen with Enter Password"...
unplug pc from wall, after unplugged hold power button down for 6 or 7 seconds, touch something metal to discharge yourself and open case and remove the cmos battery, leave out for at least 5 minutes, some pcs also have a password jumper pin if you see one remove this also, afterwards reinstall pin and battery, replace cover and then plug back into wall.

what is the make, model, and model number of pc?? then I can look up a picture of the insides and see exactly where everything is.