Forgot password and safe mode will not boot

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to help a friend who has an ancient laptop and has forgotten her password.

I tried booting safe mode with command prompt, but it stops at "mup.sys", stalls a second, then just loads the regular login screen. Unfortunately, she also has a password set for Administrator and doesn't know that password either.

As far as she knows, she doesn't have a Windows XP recovery CD.

Please let me know if you can think of any way to fix these issues!

Make sure you have the install key before you re-install XP. If the license sticker is missing from the laptop, pull the hard drive and use a USB drive adapter to mount it on another Windows computer. Then use Magic Jellybean to recover most if not all of the installed apps keys.

Most any XP CD will work as a recovery CD. I use Dell & Compaq XP CDs all the time on all kinds of generic PCs..