Folders dont open in the same window (its not simple trust me)

i was playing around by trying to change icons for various file extensions in my windows xp, and i was trying to change the icon for the folders when i accidentally removed the comand that opens folders in the same window (the explore command),

I have put in a new command by locating the explorer.exe(before when i double clicked a folder it just added it to my VLC players playlist/not good it didnt open the folder at all), Now it opens folders with this command as a default but each folder gets opened in a new window, which is messy.

what i need help with is with either locating the .exe file that gives the open in the same window/explore command (not to be confused with explorer.exe, tryed that) Or please help me find the registry that i might have messed up

p.s.1 Its not by going to folder options / general/ open each folder in the same window thing
2 also i tryed a system restore ?didnt help at all
3 went in the registry (noob here) located the place where i might have messed up ( i guess) and wher there should be 2A it still is 2A and not 0A like i found in another topic

Please help its bugging me that i messed up , especially when im trying to tune up my os
might just be better to reinstall your os, rather than search.

if system restore does not work, then you have other problems with your system.
Damn it. Was really looking for some sort of fix , i dislike the ideea of a clean wipe. Takes too much time and setting it all back up with my other little tweaks. Was looking for something that i can at least improvise so it worse sort of like it was before. Like i said i found the location of the problem just loooking for an .exe that can explore the folder in the same window. Explorer is doing half the job right now but not enough.

open regedit(Start->Run and type in regedit.exe)
Go to the key:
in here, just ensure that there are no keys that say "Open","Explore" are
present....if they are, right-click on Shell, export the registry key to a
file, and erase the "open","explore" keys underneath shell.
if it fails, double click the file we exported above and merge it back.

For anyone who ever has this same problem in the future, no reinstalling the os or anything a simple delete and brand spanking new
Back to modding xp for me , thanks google and these guys
run checkdisk with the /r parameter and run at least twice until no errors are found and fixed, will keep searching for a .exe.