Facebook and YouTube Wont Display - End of Support?

Hi, I'm a new member, using Google Chrome on XP SP3 and today, Facebook and YouTube stopped displaying correctly and are displaying only the basic links etc. I fired up Firefox and that worked fine... for a short time, then did exactly the same thing. IE8 won't display the pages either but did give the option to display the mobile version of Facebook. All other pages I have checked display properly, and Facebook and Youtube display ok using a laptop on W7.

I ran a full scan with Malwarebytes Antimalware, no problems found. So I installed Opera and Facebook and YouTube display ok, but some videos wont play as it say Flash is missing.

I tried uninstalling Firefox, did a restart and then reinstalled it in the hope that might fix it, but it remained the same. I don't want to uninstall Chrome just in case when I go to reinstall it, it tells me that XP is no longer supported and wont install.

I wonder if this is due to website changes made by Facebook and Youtube no longer being supported by Chrome and Firefox?

Any ideas, suggestions? Thanks in advance. :)
Opera is a Chrome clone.

Try installing Slimjet Browser, as recommended previously by Mike_Walsh: it will continue to support XP, I'm not sure why You are having these issue, because it doesn't normally happen. I run SeaMonkey on XP and it displays everything fine.

Slimjet is Chrome is more features, and have better privacy and support for XP.
Thank you Cammy! I had never heard of Slimjet before but checked a few tech reviews and it looks ideal. I have installed it as my default browser and I'm pleased to see I can also disable the smooth scrolling which makes me feel dizzy otherwise. Many thanks :)
Thank you Cammy! I had never heard of Slimjet before but checked a few tech reviews and it looks ideal. I have installed it as my default browser and I'm pleased to see I can also disable the smooth scrolling which makes me feel dizzy otherwise. Many thanks :)
Does Facebook and YouTube working again?
Also, you're welcome. :)
Does Facebook and YouTube working again?

Yes, thank you, but I have seen 2 photo posts that would not display on Facebook, no matter how I try to view them (open image in new tab; click on permalink etc) but when I checked the same posts using Opera, I could see the images. I also tried closing a restarting Slimjet, but those posts still would not display.


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I rechecked using Chrome today, and Facebook and Youtube still wont display properly. The sign in page for Facebook looked normal, but as soon and I signed in, it reverted back to just basic links.

I just re-opened Facebook in chrome to take a screen shot and I'm finding that the first time the page opens in my browser, it displays correctly, but after that it changes to links only.


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I think it's something wrong with your DNS settings or other connection problem, since you keep getting this kinds of errors.
The fact they're on and off is also a thing...
Based upon the date of the original posting...we had one XP machine do that. Google was dead, facebook, videos....mostly https addresses. Seems Avast is on this computer and they forced their latest in an update, and killed it. I could work around google, but not facebook.
Finally figured out where the problem was and started un-enabling specific things on Avast, and the problem went away.
You didn't say which AV you have as primary, other than you scanned with malwareBytes.
and...facebook did something with I think their Social Graph tracker, and Ghostery had an update...and it made FB text only down the left side...took a while to find....unblocked it, and next day Ghostery had another update and all was well.
Sometimes you have to play detective and play with things to find what they have done.
Zook and Co love to mess with FB. I spend little time there anymore.