Export stuff to different machine

I seem to recall seeing, a few years ago, talk of some free software by Microsoft that facilitates moving of one's files and stuff to a (new) different PC. It can employ either a cable or media such as flash drive. I don't know where that software can be gotten. Anybody here know about that?

Actually it's mainly my Outlook Express messages that I am the most concerned about, since ordinary files I can certainly transfer over without special software. And even those OE messages: I used to know the directory where they are stored but I've forgotten and now I can't find them. I realize they're grouped by Identity. I use only one Main Identity. If I could simply locate the OE message directory and transfer everything to the other machine then I could try the Import function from the email client there and maybe that would work. BTW, and I don't think it's an important issue, but the destination PC uses Microsoft Mail rather than OE, I suppose because it runs a different version of WXP, maybe Professional instead of Home.
Nevermind - I searched for the answer and got it. (Your OE files are stored where it says under Tools, Maintenance, Store folder). I moved that whole folder to the new PC and the Import proceeded nicely.