Error message

Hi Folks

Looking for a little help with a boot issue. Sony Vaio laptop, windows XP Pro.
All was OK until 2 days ago, havent installed any new hardware but now it wont boot. It takes me to the Windows Error Recovery screen - Launch startup repair. Tried this and no good. Then it goes to the windows Boot Manager screen and reports

Staus 0xc000000f
Info The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible

Boot sequence is correct in Bios

Dont have the install disk unfortunately. Did some research online and made a Utimate Boot CD but it is hard to use this to resolve the boot issue.

Any suggestions / advice greatly appreciated:)
since you have a boot cd made up run the recovery console

1. chkdsk c: /r assuming your system drive is on C

2, fixboot c:

The fixboot command writes a new partition boot sector to the system partition that you specify.
fixboot (drive)
drive = This is the drive that a boot sector will be written to and will replace the system partition that you're currently logged on to. If no drive is specified, the boot sector will be written to the system partition that you're currently logged on to.
Fixboot Command Examples:
fixboot c:
In the above example, the boot sector is written to the partition that's currently labeled as the C: drive - most likely the partition you are currently logged on to. If that is the case, this command could be run without the c: option.
Fixboot Command Availability:
The fixboot command is only available from within the Recovery Console in Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

The fixmbr command writes a new master boot record to the hard disk drive that you specify.
Fixmbr Command Syntax:
fixmbr (device_name)
device_name = This is where you designate the exact drive location that a master boot record will be written to. If no device is specified, the master boot record will be written to the primary boot drive.
Fixmbr Command Examples:
fixmbr \Device\HardDisk0
In the above example, the master boot record is written to the drive located at \Device\HardDisk0.
In this example, the master boot record is written to the device that your primary system is loaded onto. If you have a single installation of Windows installed, which is normally the case, running the fixmbr command in this way is usually the right way to go.

above is a good site to read first for explanation of all the above
Thanks Elizabeth for your prompt reply

Tried all your suggestions, it says that there is an unrecoverable issue with the hard drive. Tried chkdsk, fixmbr, fixboot and a whole lot else. Looks like the hard drive is up the spout. I guess it's terminal.

Thanks anway

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