Error 13: invalid or unsupported executable format when installing XP from USB


I created a USB bootable via WinSetupFromUSB app.

During Installation I encounter "Error 13: invalid or unsupported executable format"

What should I do?
Hello Forum! I was able to resolve it, I use the E2B (Easy To Boot) app to install the WinXP x86, and was able to update the SCSI drivers through that app.

The MS Office 2010 was successfully installed too. (I thought MS 2010 is compatible with WinXP x64, I was wrong)
That's great to hear! I'm also an E2B fan!
About Office, really!? I mean I never install newer than Office 2003 because I hate the "ribbon"...

I actually use Office97 on my XP x64, because it's the smallest and least bloated. It loads just about instantly, and it doesn't have that stupid bloated MSI setup program.