Dual Boot

Hi, I have an old laptop that hasn't been used in a while. It had windows 7 on it clean installed, and i have dual booted it with XP. 7 runs awful on this latptop, but XP runs great. How do i delete windows 7 without messing up my boot configuration?
1. erase drive and install xp
2. OR, use partition magic to erase the partition with 7, but since the boot is set up with easy bcd, I believe you will have to use the recovery console to run bootconfig, fixboot, and/or fixmbr.
So will it be best to completely format the hard drive an reinstall XP? Can I make an image of my XP install or re image it onto the hard drive after the format?
so you are saying that you installed 7 first??

with windows the oldest os has to be installed first. or should be from all I have read, if you have an image of xp alone and with a mbr, then yes format the entire drive and install the image.
Well it already had windows 7 on it.

Doesn't matter now, i messed up the installation with gparted anyway lol. I had no important data on it and it is working fien from a clean install.