download exe or zip


I live in an assisted living home and my only internet connection is 'residents' and I can only 'save' downloads (no run). I lost all my software when I moved and trying to download freeware 'run' is disabled. Is there a solution.
If your user profile is set up as a limited account, then you will have to have whoever is in charge of your domain, if you can have an account that will let you download programs.

However, if you have a flash drive, you can save programs to the flashdrive, for later installation if it is allowed.

Is this your own pc or the assisted living facility's system?
If your user profile is set up as a limited account, then you will have to have whoever is in charge of your domain, if you can have an account that will let you download programs.

However, if you have a flash drive, you can save programs to the flashdrive, for later installation if it is allowed.

Is this your own pc or the assisted living facility's system?

The computer I'm trying to download from belongs to the facility for all residents. I have a flash drive that works with the facility computer as well as my own (not connected). However, when I try to download a freeware program the [save] button is grayed out— only the [run] button is active. Administrater permissions will not allow any resident to run a program on the facility connected computer .

Thank you kindlyElizabeth23;3246328
There is your answer. :) you are on a limited account. There is no way to change your account, only an administrator account can change account permissions. If you have your own pc, with your own internet connection in your name, then you can use freeware programs.
Thank you Elizabeth 23

Yep, just having problems explaining explaining myself— I believe you're right. I need an administrator account to change the 'residents' permissions. I have my own computer and flash drive but its not connected. I am using freeware allright but cant download upgrades ect. I lost 'all' my solftware when I moved. I'm using the residents computer right now, couldn't even download the spell checker. I was just hoping for an obvious work-around that I overloooked.

thanks again
Is it possible that the facility has a wireless router? Ask them. If they do, and if your computer has the ability to connect to wireless, then you should be able to do any thing you want to do.