Downgrade Windows 7 to Windows Xp?

after yet another phone call to Microsoft to ask which downgrade from Wiundows 7 to which operating system merits things I think strange the downgrade should still be from Windows 7 to Windows XP until 2020 who answered, said downgrade from W7 to Windows Vista, which Microsoft has long since given up.

We read around things that the downgrade up to January 2020 would be Windows 7 Windows XP, we hope that at least this is confirmed.

I have someone divers for old computer notebook but always good, in other new notebook of last generation i use xp in virtual machine vmware 14.

I have a fixed pc also recent, with a drivers for windiws xp if someone is interested and want this dtivers, pkease can asked to me i like to be useful.

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you are welcome here, in my opinion, the poster was just questioning the meaning of your statements, not that they were bad statements, :)
the only problem with downgrading to xp is to find xp drivers, do you have all the xp drivers?

I downgraded my Toshiba laptop (satellite A5050) from 7 to XP pro 64, a royal pain. I finally paid a guy at a small computer shop to do it for me. Got everything except one Toshiba item (shaking or bumping the comp, very minor) cost me $35. {I had swapped out hdd's & installed basic XP 64 on new hdd & then took it in).
Guy had a set of dvd's he could install (almost) any os (drivers that is) to (almost) any computer. He wouldnt tell me where he got this set!

He coulda installed XP Pro 32 as well.

I have a W 10 hdd for it also, <- plugged in some "XP" created data hdds in it, (it has an 'esata' port), 10 screwed them up royally, & in a hurry, that 10 hdd is in a box somewhere.

Maybe look into this route/method, , , , ,
I have usually found XP drivers eventually, though possibly after intensive searching. For older hardware that is.

Have an Abit mobo, remember them? They were good, but ceased production long ago. Found drivers from the chip set manufacturer. (Nvidia)

Wonder if anyone has compiled a blacklist, ie hardware other than current releases, for which XP drivers are not available.

I recently bought a load of 'Thin Clients' for peanuts. All bar one of them, I have added mSATA SSDs and re-purposed as lightweight Linux Machines. (nice performers, at a silly price!) mostly 'iGel', a German manufacturer. However, one is HP, only 32 Bit, and running XP Embeded, (POS) and does not offer the opportunity to easily sling in a mSATA SSD! Also its graphics hardware is, let's say 'not cutting edge!'

Anyone know if its driver set will be adequate for a regular XP install?

If so:

Anyone know how to transfer them in a format that will load following a regular XP install?